Well what a crazy week I have had. I guess I can't really say week because it has only been the last three days that have been kinda crazy. Like I said Wednesday I lost my job (I didn't really lose it, they just can't afford to pay me starting at the new year and I can't afford to work for that much) which still sucks cause I am stressing major about what to do. Thursday there must have been a warp in the space time continuum or something cause super weird things happened. I was walking to class when out of the corner of my eye I saw something fall out of a tree across the street. All of a sudden I herd this loud "SPLAT!" I looked across the street and saw a squirrel get up off of his belly and run back up the 20 foot tree that he just belly flopped out of. It was awesome, but I couldn't really laugh because I was the only one who really saw it and I would look like a loser (even though I am) walking and laughing when no one else knew why.
After the Squirrel incident, I was waiting for my Anatomy class outside (I was early and another class was still going). While I was sitting there waiting, my professor came over to the drinking fountain in front of me. He started to drink out of it and then he kinda swished it around in his mouth like you do when you are using mouthwash. He was at that drinking fountain for seriously 2 or 3 minutes. It was awesome! Later that night at youth group we had another incident. During one of our less violent games, Ray, one of our kids, fell and broke his arm. Now I don't mean break like a little "Ow! I think I just broke my wrist." No, this was like his elbow bent backwards all the way around so his forearm was doubled back (up-side-down) on his humerus. It was the most knarly thing I have ever seen. So that was a fun little risk management exercise. All practiced up for summer there Dillon!
Needless to say I couldn't sleep last night because of all the adrenalin pumping through my system. After the little sleep that I did get I went to work. Dalton was great and while he was sleeping I attempted to register for my classes. My registration date wasn't until today (they schedule your dates so everyone doesn't register all at once; I got screwed with mine because it was one of the last ones). I looked up the classes I needed/wanted to take and arranged them into a nice schedule and went to register. All but two of the classes I wanted were full. I started to panic and stress out which I am still pretty stressed about. It did work out though and I think I will be ok. My schedule looks kinda like this:
Tuesday and Thursday:
8:00-9:15 BIOL 281 Human Physiology
9:30-10:45 HIST 161 Survey Latin America
11:00-11:50 KIN 244 Movement form Dance
12:30-1:45 TH 110 Plays and Players
4:20-6:50pm HIST 111 World Hist since 1500
7:00-9:50pm HIST 271 US since 1865
A lot of History classes which might suck, but I am trying to be positive. The Theater class is just to keep me sane, but the rest are all undergraduate stuff. Fun Soup; only 3 more years of this!