Jesus comes for sinners, for those as outcast as tax collectors and for those caught up in squalid choices and failed dreams. He comes for corporate executives, street people, superstars, farmers, hookers, addicts, IRS agents, AIDS victims, and even used car salesmen. He came for me and you!
Friday, May 23, 2008
How Big Is The God You Serve?
Last night at youth group, Ryan had this guy named Richard come and give his testimony to our High School students. It was a super intimate night with only 8 students (usually we will have a good 30-40 kids on a Thursday night but they all have a 4 day weekend because of Memorial Day on Monday...). It actually worked out really well because out of the few kids that came, at least half of them really needed to hear Richard's story and they were totally moved to chat with him about it afterwards. Richard's testimony was absolutely spectacular! It's incredible what God has done in this man's life. I wish I could share some of it but for reals, no one would ever believe me... After he shared, Ryan asked us all, "How big is the God you Serve?" For Richard, God is bigger than drug addiction, abuse, violence, prison... How big is your God? That's something I have been dwelling on since last night... We serve a Huge God who is bigger than all of the crap of this world... And what is incredible to me is He chose us... He chose me... He loves me... and he says that NOTHING (neither death nor life, nor angels nor semons, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing: Romans 8:38-39 ) shall be able to separate us from the LOVE of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Hello! I will be your Host for this Week!
Ok, so here's the story with the water raid. Apparently their host last year (I won't mention his name but some of you might be able to guess who...) helped some of the male counselors raid a girl's cabin in the middle of the night. So, having heard all of the stories from last year, the kids, led by the leaders, decided to have a full on water battle in the middle of the night. I had finished all of my "Host" duties, hooked up my cart (highlight of hosting was probably driving the electric cart around all day!!!), and headed over to Holly's house (where I was staying while hosting). I took a shower and got ready for bed then sat and chatted with Holly as she was cutting out stars (long story). Then around 12:30am I heard some girls screaming... It only lasted a couple seconds so I figured they maybe saw a bug or an animal or something and just freaked out... Then I got a phone call from the ground's keeper asking if I heard all of the noise. I then figured that it wasn't just one scream and I had to go check it out... I walk out to find bathroom doors covered in silly string, water balloons being hurled at people and boys and girls throwing buckets (actually trash cans... they used their trash cans) full of water at each other. It had woken up a couple people so I had to make everyone go back to their tents and go to sleep. I thought the whole thing was pretty funny and if I were in middle school (or a leader in the group), I would have been so pumped on this battle... but, because I was working and a couple of people (the ground's keeper in particular) got pretty pissed, I had to shut it down. The kids and leaders were great the next day and made sure that they picked up every last water balloon shell and dried up piece of silly string... All in all, Hosting was fun. The group was great and fun to be around and to chat with (especially this one EMO kid who kept asking me about my gauges... He called me "Plugs" the whole time... pretty funny... I got a few pretty fun nicknames from the kids... "Plugs," "Mae-Mae," "Chae"...) I think I am hosting again this next week, Monday - Wednesday (so I will be at youth group next week Ryan... sorry for missing it last week!)
As far as work goes, we took the kids to the beach this weekend. It was so nice to get out of the heat for the afternoon. One more weekend and I am free for the summer! I am super excited. These last few weekends have been super special for me. I have been connecting to a few kids on a little bit of a deeper level and just enjoying every bit of them. I am excited to have my weekends back for the summer though!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
One of Those "Born-Agains"?
Go Dodgers!
Anyway, It was a really fun day and a really fun weekend. I had some good bonding time with a couple of the kids (it's about time I get some bonding time... only two weekends left before summer!) which was really special to me. Another praise for all of you is that I finally got offered a contract for next year! They weren't sure if they were going to have enough in the budget to hire me back (they do all of the hiring around February/March time) but yesterday they offered me a contract. So I believe I am on for another year of crazy 30 hour weekends hanging out with some great kids!
Friday, May 09, 2008
Where Did The Sun Go?
Anyway, if you read my last post you will know how tired I was last week. The after Prom party really did me in and I pretty much haven't stopped since. Last week Wednesday I had another all nighter (I drove my friend Holly to LAX Thursday morning at around 3am and we might have gone to bed around midnight or so giving me another night of only two hours of sleep... NO GOOD!!! but totally fun!). Last weekend at work was pretty mellow. All of the kids had just gotten back from their backpacking trips so most of the weekend was spent unpacking, doing laundry, and just relaxing.
This week was a pretty exciting one. Monday was Cinco De Mayo so we celebrated by having Mexican Food at Home-Group (and who better to be on the main dish than me?). I spent most of the morning cooking and cleaning (like a true Mexican I suppose... I had the apron on and everything... I totally reminded myself of my abuela...). That afternoon I drove down to pickup Holly from the Airport which was fun. We had some good bonding time on the PCH. Dinner that night was AMAZING! We had so much food and all of it was great! Tuesday I got some stuff done around the house and around town before driving up to Santa Barbara to pick up Mackenna. Later that night I got to watch Mason and Caden again. They have both grown so much! Mason has made some incredible progress (he's walking, dancing, signing, and interacting with you... still not talking, but totally communicating through signs and nods!). I am actually going to be watching them the last weekend of this month while Mom and Dad go away on a much needed vacation.
Which brings me to my next big news; I only have three more weekends left before summer!!! Yes that's right! Counting this weekend (which starts in about an hour), I only have three more weekends left for this school year. I still don't know if I will have a job next year (they aren't sure if they have it in the budget to hire an Assistant on the weekends, but the Headmaster is "Cautiously Hopeful"... whatever that means...), but it's totally in God's hands! In other news, Holly has finally recruited me to work at Forest Home. I am going to be hosting a group this next week (Wednesday-Friday) which I am actually sort of excited about. It should be fun! Life is beautiful right now and even though the sun disappeared today, I thought I would share one of my favorite photos right now... Enjoy the weekend!
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