- Clean/Organize my room: I started this one but there is still a lot to do. It's amazing how unorganized a room can get when you don't live in it for several months...
- Sew a lunch Bag: This one is for my grandma. She started going to Little House, an adult day care center here in Ojai, four days a week and we pack her a lunch everyday. So we (my mom) thought it might be nice for her to have her own, homemade lunch bag. Which is great because I am always looking for new sewing projects.
- Get a Quote on my Car/Get Car Fixed/Get Car Smogged/Pay Car Registration: This is a big one... Several months ago, I got my car checked out because the check engine light was on. Turns out my car has low compression in one of the cylinders and potentially needs a new head (whatever that means...). I didn't take care of it at the time because I didn't have the money and still haven't taken care of it because I still don't have the money. Unfortunately my car registration is due on Sept 9th and I have to get my car smogged which means the check engine light can't be on which means, I have to get my car fixed. I could use some major prayer on this one because, like I said, I don't have the money for this and don't know how this all is going to work. But I know that God is Big and He will provide a way. If you know anyone who knows Dodge Neons and could do some work on it for me, let me know...
- Wash my Car: on top of my car not running well, I have majorly dropped the ball on keeping my car clean. I blame camp mostly. It's just so dusty. What's the point you know?
- Transfer Info from Old Computer to New: Our home desktop was on it's way out very quickly so my parents got a new computer. But all of our old stuff, including files and itunes are all on the old computer. So I have to transfer all of that old info onto my external hard-drive onto the new computer.
That's all I can think of right now. Let's be honest, the car thing is what's weighing on me right now. Please pray.