That's right, we got another dog yesterday. Not just a dog, but a puppy. She is a 10 week old Australian Shepherd-Boarder Collie Mix. We adopted her from the Humane Society and she is absolutely adorable. She will be a pseudo-family dog, but Janae will be caring for her. She definitely is a puppy and we are definitely dealing with lots of "puppy" things (potty training sucks!!! when we got Toby, he was already paper trained...). Speaking of Toby, I am not sure how he is reacting to this new addition. He did mark his territory in the house which made me really upset (he has NEVER done that before!). He is pretty cute with her though; herding her around the house and stuff. She's still pretty scared, but is starting to get comfortable in the house and with all of us.
Better you than me (okay, I'm not a dog person).
Why would you say something like that?
Congratulations, that is one adorable dog!
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