Saturday, June 07, 2008

You Drive Me Crazy!

Tuesday, my mom, my cousin, and I loaded up my little Dodge Neon and headed up the 101 en route for Sacramento. The plan was originally to be just me and my mom, but my cousin is staying with us for a little while and so she came along as well. Our first stop was at Montaña de Oro State Park outside of Morro Bay. The coast was gorgeous and it was a great stop for lunch. After driving past Morro Rock, we continued up Hwy 1 (only stopping at Elephant Seal Beach) until we reached Limekiln State Park to camp for the night. We did a little exploring around the camp ground (we did a little hiking around the campsite) before it got too cold.

After going to bed at 7pm (thank God for Tylenol PM!!!), we all got up and headed out around 9am. We made it up to Monterey Bay close to noon. One of our co-workers' parents live up in Monterey and they are members of the aquarium. So , long story short, we got to go to the aquarium for free which was pretty sweet! After a couple hours at the aquarium, we drove up to Elk Grove to visit the Burgs. We were going to leave the next day, but after Shelly invited us to spend the night with her out on the Delta, we couldn't resist. The Delta was really nice and it was nice to just hang out around a campfire for the evening (by the way, campfires are my favorite!!!)

Friday morning we loaded up the car once again and headed the rest of the way up through Sacramento to my Tia Irma's house. We hung out most of the day and then went to Ryan's graduation. Right now I am sitting at the house getting ready to take a nap before his graduation dinner. We are going to drive back tomorrow morning (I think we are planning on leaving at 3:30am) so I should be back for church, but we will see how things go... Feel free to check out some of the far too many photos I have taken. Please pray that the rest of this trip goes well. I have been having some trouble with my ears and stuff which has been leaving me feeling pretty nauseous and with terrible migraines. I am going to the doctor's again this week to see what's up with them, but until then, I am just trying to hold out until then...

1 comment:

ATSmith said...

Remember the checklist ....
1. Doctor
2. Figure out school stuff

: ) Glad your trip is going well. Hope to see you this morning : )