Sunday, November 30, 2008

Batman? Really?

I was checking my email tonight and came across this article on my Yahoo news feed. I think it's pretty interesting what some people name their kids, but this takes it to the extreme...

Venezuelans are among the world’s most creative namers. In fact, according to their own government, they’re too creative. In September 2007, after hearing about babies named Superman and Batman, state authorities urged parents to pick their names from an approved list of 100 common Spanish monikers. Those conventional names (such as Juanita and Miguel) quickly acquired a patrician ring, ironically giving rise to more novel names, like Hochiminh (after the Vietnamese guerilla) and Eisenhower (after the president). There are also at least 60 Venezuelans with the first name Hitler.

For the other five names check out the article.

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