I didn't think that my last blog was as Emo as some other people said it was, but after reading it again, I could see why people are thinking that I am Emo. Just to reassure all of you who are so very concerned and thinking that I am "over life" (Cory!), I am not Emo, I am not depressed, and I am not "over life." I am actually really excited about life right now and I guess I didn't convey that as well as I probably could have. You have to understand that my last post was sort of written off the top of my head. It was all of the random crazy things and thoughts that have been going through my mind the last few months. Now, some of these things might sound a little like I am "over life" (I still can't believe you thought that Cory), but actually I am really excited about these things. I am excited that I have no idea where God is leading me! I am excited that I now can trust Him enough to say "God I want to follow you where ever you lead." These last few weeks my life has been filled with so much joy, excitement, and happiness in the amazing colors of greens, yellows, and blues and the smiles and love and fellowship with people that love and care about me. All this to say, I am not Emo. I apologize for the randomness and confusion (and length) of my last post. I am sorry that I confused others with my confusion. But, I really am happy right now and I have nothing to credit that to but God!
PS: Yes I started gauging my ears and even though some people are very against it (not to name any names... Amber...), it is fun and I think they look like normal earings to anyone who doesn't have gauged ears. Hear's the latest photo of 10g. I will probably go up to an 8g this weekend (or Monday because that will be a week which is a safe amount of time between stretching... yes I am being safe about this, I don't want to ruin my ears forever so I am being careful!)
Yeah, normal until you have buttons in your ears and I am like, wait, are those from an old shirt or something? hee hee. I am just old fashioned in some ways, I guess. No tatoos, only one earring in each ear. But I love you all the same.
I won't go THAT big Amber. I am not trying to get fired from my job (although that might make it easier to decide to not go back next year... hmmm... just kidding!). You gotta live in the moment Amber! Let's go get your ears pierced a second time just for fun... what say you?
PS Thanks for loving me all the same!
wow Michaela. Good stuff. Thanks for sharing what's in your life right now! and just so you know, I don't think that saying what you're really thinking about on a deeper level is necessarily emo. Not at all. it's necessary sometimes. more often than we do say such things, i think.
I'll definitely be praying for God to show you where he wants you!
(and kinda hoping it's with mks... but hey, I'm not biased or anything. ;))
It hurts just to look at them!
BTW, I love your new look to your blog, if I haven't already said so. I think I will change mine on my 1 yr. blog anniv. in May.
Ooh, I just thought of something...I should put our bright yellow house on the cover.
Ooooh Christine that would be AMAZING!! You can get on Flickr and make a cool cover... I will show you sometime!
That would be cool because I've never used Flickr. Thanks!
take them out please...I am begging you as your sister...I never really truly ask you to do things for me, but this is the one time of all times I want you to do this for me...its disgusting and not flattering and just gross...please
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