Thursday, March 20, 2008

Plugged Up

Man, two posts in one day! This hasn't happened in ages! I don't know if many of you know, but I HATE doctors!!! Ok, I don't hate doctors in general (I know a lot of people who are doctors or who want to be doctors), but I hate going to the doctor's office! I hate being told that something is wrong with me... It's way easier to ignore things that are wrong than to go to the doctor and have them tell you that you are dying... I already know I am dying I don't need someone to tell me... Way weird thought process but it's actually pretty common among many Mexicans...

All this to say, I went to the doctors today because I have had persistent pain in my ears for the last two months (the pain has nothing to do with the gauges... the doctor actually thought they were cool). I get sharp pains down in my inner ear and I always feel like I am underwater and that they need to be popped. So, I made the appointment because I actually got sort of scared that they were infected and that I would go deaf if I didn't get them taken care of. It turns out that my allergies are really bad and one of the tubes inside my inner ear (on both of my ears) has been swollen shut causing pain and a strange underwater feeling. They also weaseled me into scheduling a physical so I am not looking forward to that at all! I am glad to know that I am not going deaf. I can't imagine what my life would be like if I couldn't hear... To open them up, they have me on a ton of allergy medicine so hopefully I will be able to hear better in a few days...

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