Ok... I am going to be registering for classes soon (December 1st) and I thought I'd take a vote to see what schedule I should go for this semester. I am currently a Liberal Studies Major with a concentration in Math and am also picking up a Math Major to pick up some math classes in order to pass all three parts of the CSET Math exam in order to get into a Math Credentials program.
Option 1: 17 units (but 2 units are labs that I don't always have to attend)
- History of Mathematics - Online
- Health Issues in Education - Online
- Calculus 2 Lab - Tues and Thurs 8am
- Calculus 2 - Tues and Thurs 10am
- Logic and Mathematical Reasoning - Tues and Thurs 12
- Mathematics and Fine Arts Lab - Tues 1:30
- Mathematics and Fine Arts - Thurs 1:30
Option 2: 16 units (1 unit is a lab)
- History of Mathematics - Online
- Health Issues in Education - Online
- Calculus 2 Lab - Tues and Thurs 8am
- Calculus 2 - Tues and Thurs 10am
- Developmental Psychology - Tues 12-2:50
- Teaching Drama to Children - Fri 9-11:50
Option 3: 16 units (1 unit is a lab)
- History of Mathematics - Online
- Health Issues in Education - Online
- Calculus 2 Lab - Tues and Thurs 8am
- Calculus 2 - Tues and Thurs 10am
- Developmental Psychology - Tues 12-2:50
- Modern Mathematics for Elementary Teaching 1 - Numbers and Problem Solving - Mon and Wed 12 - 1:15
All of these classes are actually required... I prefer option 1 but what do you think?
Option 2
definitely option 1. option 2 & 3 put you down there Fridays. I would keep the Tue./Thur. schedule as long as you can : )
Wow..all math on 1...I would flunk...good thing it is your brain that can handle it!
Tue. Thurs. schedule is for sure the plus!
I do want to see what the teaching kids drama class is! That would be fun!
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