It is officially the Holiday season when I get to have a Winter Dream Tea Latte from Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf which I had on Thursday this week. Let me tell you, it was delish!
It's been awhile so let's see what's been going on. Last I left you, I was complaining about my group project. Well, the project has come and gone. The lady that I was complaining about in the group didn't show up for our presentation and actually hasn't been to class since the day before our presentation. I tried to call her to see if she was alive, but I was unable to get a hold of her. Hopefully she is ok and we may have done better without her... But we still only got a C+ which I was unhappy about, but I ended up getting an A on the response paper which is half of that grade which helps out a ton! Only two more weeks (not counting the week off we have for Thanksgiving... Furloughs gave us the whole week as opposed to just the two days...) or instruction this semester before finals (and I only have one final... so nice).
I started tutoring a couple of kids at OVS. So I am now at OVS 5 days a week. The money is good and it's nice to see the kids succeed in their classes with a little bit of extra support. Halloween came and went. We took the kids trick or treating which was a whole big fat mess that I won't go into because it's too long of a story. The kids also carved pumkins which was fun. Right now I am sitting in the computer lab at school with two kids waiting for the 8th graders to finish their SSATs (it's like the SATs but for private High Schools). This is my last weekend at work before Thanksgiving break (two weekends off). After Thanksgiving break I work for another two weekends before Winter break (where I have 4 weekends off with no pay...). So, if you need any cleaning/babysitting/yardwork/whatever done in that time period, I would love to help you out.
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