Thursday, November 18, 2010

I Might Be Smart...

This semester has been a tough one for sure. Not necessarily in the content of the classes I have, but more in my daily schedule. Being at school Monday-Thursday from 9am-6pm is a big commitment and I don't think I realized that until it was too late.

But anyway, I only have 3 more weeks of this semester and then finals (two and a half really because the week of Thanksgiving is only a half week). I just got back my last two midterms of the semester (in math classes, the professors usually do two midterms and the final... so they really should be called tri-terms but midterms is usually what we call them...) and I was pleasantly surprised with the results. Like I said, the semester has been kinda hard and I have started to fall back into old bad habits of ditching class (especially my two classes that are from 4:30-5:45pm), but to be fair, my Biostats class only involves me sitting on facebook not paying attention (just like the rest of the class) and my Modern Math 4 Elementary Children is absolutely ridiculous! So I ditch a class here and there and before I realize it, I haven't been to class in two weeks and I have a midterm the next week (which is what happened in my Biostats class). I studied like crazy all week long to prepare for the test, and I ended up getting 100%. Holy crap, I might be smart! I also had a midterm in my Linear Algebra class which is my hardest class this semester and I got the highest grade in the class! I might be smart!

I get to register for next semester on the 29th and I have a schedule that I am shooting for. It'll be another 18 units this semester and then 15 the following semester, but then I should be done. It's nice to see the light at the end of the tunnel...

Thursday, November 04, 2010

What Do You Say?

Yesterday in my Linear Algebra lab, my friend told me that over break she was getting her boobs done. Really? Who tells people in a Linear Algebra math lab stuff like that? I didn't really know how to respond to that information. I said "awesome" or something along those lines. I really didn't know what to say. It's not like she needs her boobs done either. She has to be at least a 'C' cup already... Why do people like getting their boobs done? It's not like she's gonna be any more comfortable running those marathons that she does... I just don't really get it, but if it makes her and her fiance happy, who am I to stop her?