Sunday, April 29, 2007

3 To Go

Wow, I don't know what it is, but I can't seem to keep up on this blog like I used to. I guess nothing really exciting is going on. So, here's the update on the last 10 days. Last Friday I had the day off (Mason had his 9 month check up; even though he is 10 months). Saturday was like any other Saturday. I am however coaching a boys 5-a-side team. Basically my Mom has a 5-a-side soccer club at school and we put together two teams for the Rec league. So basically the last few weeks I have been coaching some Asian boys with boundless amounts of energy. It is absolutely hilarious and has been loads of fun. Monday was work. Mason has been pretty fussy all week. He doesn't have any teeth yet, so whenever he is teething (which we are pretty sure he is right now) he is really teething. I feel so bad cause there is not a whole lot that I can do for him other then give him Tylenol and his binky. He won't put anything in his mouth other then his binky and his blanket (including teething rings).

School was alright this week. I did really well on a Physiology test which made the week a whole lot better. Friday was a pretty long day. I had to work until 6 (8am-6pm) then I had to coach a soccer game. After that I stayed at OVS to watch Upper's drama performance. They did a review of broadway which was super cute (some of those Asian kids can really sing!). After that I had to stay up until 11:30 to drive with Sarah to drop off a friend (basically I didn't get home until 1:30). I had to work again yesterday, but it wasn't too bad. Samantha threw a birthday party for her step-daughter McKenna out at a coworker's beach house so I got to go hang out for the day and take care of Mason. Later that night I went to a play down at school with Sarah. It was a much better play then the Very Old Man with Enormous Wings. This one was a series of One-Act plays written by women playwrights over the last century. Church today was really cool (great job Amber and Darren) but what made it especially awesome to see Dalton for the first time in about 4 months. He has grown so much and it was really neat to see him again.

So now it's Sunday evening and I am sitting here preparing for another week. But only 3 more weeks in the semester and then it's time for OVS. I can hardly wait!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

10 Days Later

Wow, I can't believe it's been another 10 days since I last posted. I don't even know what I have been doing since I last posted, but let me try and remember. Well, last time I posted I was just coming off spring break. Monday I had to go into work early (Sam had to take the kids to school in SB and it is just easier for me to go in early then for her to wake the baby up, put him in the car, drive around for 2 or 3 hours and then come home). Tuesday was school which was long, but fine. Wednesday I went into work later (10am) and ended up working late (Sam and Helmuth had a dinner meeting to go to). They ended up getting home really late (10pm) which made it a really long day. School the next day was just business as usual. Friday at work was nice because grandma was there. Whenever grandma is there I do about half of the work I normally do, which some people would think is sort of invasive, but she lets me do my thing so it's all good.

The weekend was sort of busy. Saturday I did a ton of housework all morning (which I will be repeating this weekend) and then went to my dad's boy's soccer game. The boys didn't play as well as they have been, but the game wasn't that bad. After the game, my dad and I drove down to Northridge for a play that I had to go to. The play was an original adaptation of the short story The Very Old Man With Enormous Wings. Basically the story is about a fallen angel that a couple finds and uses as a sideshow act. The short story is really good, but kinda dark. The play was absolutely horrible! I could not stand sitting there and watching it. They added characters and made it into a circus. I thought I was on an acid trip the whole time. Thank goodness it was only one act that was only an hour long, but still it was the longest hour I have sat through in a ling time. Sunday was a normal Sunday. Community and then homework. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday I was taking a lifeguard certification class. All I can say about that is I am glad it's over. I am so exhausted I could probably sleep the rest of the day and still be tired. Well, that was the last 10 days. I'll try and post a little more often again.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Back At It

It is now Monday night and I am back at it. Spring Break is over and I am back to work. Spring Break was really cool. Monday was really relaxing. I got to take my dog for a walk and relax most of the morning. In the afternoon I went to my friend Chad's house and he cut my hair again which is always fun (I love changing my hair). Tuesday I went over to Amber and Ryan's house for dinner and a movie which was super fun. Cory was there when I arrived and it reminded me of the good ol' days when we used to have home group. But dinner was great (it really was Amber, thanks a lot) and The Prestige was a good movie. Wednesday I went to Ventura with Amber and the girls. Thursday I helped Ryan with some stuff at church to get ready for Easter Sunday (aka: spray paint the COMMUNItY logo on our E-Z up, cut Handouts for the Chocolate Campaign, photocopy comics of Chaga and the Chocolate Factory... you know, just normal stuff). Friday I had to go back to work (they had gone up to Tahoe for the week). Saturday my cousin got married. The wedding was very nice (a little disorganized, but they are happy and that is all that matters). It was cool because I got to see a bunch of family members that I haven't seen in a while (particularly one that I haven't seen in almost 10 years who now has a little boy named Ash who is super cute). I had to rush out of the wedding (not really rush) to get Janae to the lake to practice with Freddy (who was late). After a brief rehearsal, I went over to the Ranch (my Dad's friends manage the ranch that is owned by the producers of CSI or something like that) to watch the fights (UFC is awesome!!!). Sunday of course was Easter where I had to wake up at 5:30 to go to sunrise service. Both services went really well and it was so cool to talk to a ton of people about fair trade chocolate. That afternoon we all went to my uncle's house for another family gathering. When I got home I passed out for almost two hours, woke up to take a shower and then went to bed for the night. It was a great week off and now I'm back at it again.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Hippy Dippy

Today I brought lunch to my sister while she was at work and she said she wanted to hang out tomorrow night. She threw around a few ideas and one of them was going shopping. With a little hesitation I shot that idea down for two reasons; One, I am poor and can't afford to go shopping and Two, I just went to a Human Trafficking conference and have been feeling a little convicted about the clothing I buy.

Let me explain a little. Almost two weeks ago (March 25th to be exact) was the 200th anniversary of Britain's abolishment of the slave trade. However, there are more slaves today then there were when slavery was legal (27,000,000 people). In honor of that day and of the millions of people trapped in modern day slavery, Vanguard University hosted a Freedom Day Rally called One Voice to End Slavery. I attended this conference with Ryan and Amber Smith, Jeff and Danielle Sloneker, and Daniel Barnett (the art teacher and NHS). Freedom Day consisted of two sessions in which we could choose a lecture/discussion/movie that all talked about modern day slavery. The first session I went to a lecture/discussion about slavery and the war in Iraq. It was super interesting and I could write a whole other blog on what we talked about. One thing that really stuck with me was the breakdown of modern day slavery. Around 50% of today's slavery is in sexual exploitation which gets the majority of people's concerns (and rightfully so; it should get a great deal of attention). However, the other 50% is rarely ever talked about (agriculture and clothing industry). I have been feeling really convicted in this area of modern day slavery; from the coffee and chocolate I eat and drink to the shoes and clothes I buy, I decided it was time for a change. It's time to buy fair.

So back to my story. After my hesitation to go shopping, my sister said I was becoming Hippy Dippy. While I know many other people who are much more Hippy Dippy then I am, I am ok with being called Hippy Dippy. If Hippy Dippy means caring about God's creation and the people in it enough to be conscious about what I buy, then so be it. I am Hippy Dippy.

PS: for more information about Human Trafficking visit or or just email me and I can refer you to many other organizations.