Well, after a good long service of over 10 years, we finally put the good old Burb to rest. Well, we didn't kill it if that's what you think. We traded it in for a new car. I am now driving a 2004 Dodge Neon which we got a great deal on from my Dad's friend. I am so glad I don't have to spend $80-$100 dollars a week on gas (ok, so it was more like a week and a half, but it was a lot of money). Although I was excited about my new car, I was still kinda sad to see the Burb go. It's been part of this family for over ten years. I will always remember driving back from snowboarding and missing my exit because there were three butts hanging out of my windows. Priceless!
On another note, my Mom got her results back from her CAT scan and it came back clean. The cancer is gone! She will probably still do some light chemo to prevent anything further, but it was great news. My Dad tried to scare us about the whole thing. We got home from somewhere and he said in a very serious tone, "girls [just me and janae] I need to talk to you. Come and sit down at the table." He started saying how the doctor called and told us about the results from the CAT scan... yadda yadda (he drew it out so long I was going to strangle it out of him). Finally my Mom walked in and heard what my Dad was talking about and she screamed "there's no more cancer!!!!!" It was an exciting family moment!
Other then these two moments of joy, I have been kinda down lately. Not really worried about anything, just kinda bummed out about some stuff. So please pray that I can again find joy in the little things of life. Don't get me wrong, a new car and a cancer-free Mom are two things that should make me very joyful and they do. I couldn't be happier about those. It's just in the quiet of my day when I feel like I am doing the same thing over and over again that I begin to lose excitement. Please pray that I can find that excitement again. But for now it's Bye Bye Burby!
1 comment:
I thought I saw you in a new spiffy car on Sunday! Glad to hear your gas costs will go down, but sad to see you loose the burb. Yeah for your mom! I can't believe your dad did that! Wait, I can believe it, but I would have been so mad!! As for monotony, well, I will be praying for you. Guilty as I may feel, I must admit I struggle with monotony in my own life ... YES, my kids bore me sometimes! I'm the map, I'm the map, I'm the map, I'm the map, I'M THE MAP! Oh my! I never truely realized how many times he said that phrase until I typed it out!
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