Friday, July 10, 2009

Sweetly Broken

Two weeks of camp down and I am already feeling it. I love camp. Don't get me wrong. But this week was a little rough for me. I am not sure why. I don't think it was the low numbers (only 50 campers which was different but really neat to be able to connect with all of the campers and to show love to all of them). This week Ryan spoke which made me so happy! It was so nice to have Amber (for the first couple of days) and Ryan and the girls around for the week. So it wasn't the speaker... The band was the same as the week before so it wasn't that... Maybe I'm just tired... Maybe I am just feeling like I have to do everything myself. I know I don't have to. I have amazing people around me who are all there for the same reasons. So why was this week so hard? I don't have an answer right now... Maybe I'll come up with one. Maybe I won't. Maybe it was that the week started out a little stressful. Holly was gone Sunday and Monday (she flew home for her grandpa's funeral) which made me feel like I need to pick up the slack. Not that her leaving creates slack or that it is even my place to pick up the slack, but... Does this make any sense? Don't get me wrong, our staff is amazing and it speaks volumes that Holly was even comfortable and confident enough in our staff to leave for a couple days. Maybe I just need to be thankful and happy for another great week of camp. Maybe the best way I can explain how I feel is that I feel broken. And I think that's ok...

At the cross You beckon me
You draw me gently to my knees, and I am
Lost for words, so lost in love,
I’m sweetly broken, wholly surrendered

I don't want this to sound like "Woe is me, I am so hurt... BooHoo." I am actually loving camp and everything in it. The people, the campers, the program, the music, and the staff! It's all great and I am so happy! This week was just weird I guess... But camp is great and I love it! I took a lot of pictures this last week (including the 4th of July) and you should go check them out if you have time. Please continue to pray for camp. We have another week with low numbers that we would love to fill. Pray for the continued health of our staff (a lot of people have been sick on and off which makes camp hard). Pray for rest for our staff and energy and excitement to love every person comes into camp.


Ryan said...

My guess Michaela:
It has to do with the lack of student involvement last week. With so few campers, and with really connected leaders from their churches, there wasn't a huge need for you get to know students and to be in their lives. I think this week will be different.
What do you think?

mandrews said...

That could have had a part in it. I usually feed off of other people's energy so it was a little hard when there was no energy to feed off of... but is that an excuse... I don't know...

Alyssa said...

I am glad you blog :)

Ironically the word verification was "hasruts" which could mean has ruts.. which could mean... we all get stuck in ruts... irony???

Christine H. said...

Thanks for your honesty, M. I love that about you (among other things!)