Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

I wasn't going to do a Mother's Day post but after today, I feel like I need to. First of all, I love my mother with all of my heart and I am so thankful to her for everything that she has done and continues to do for me. She is my rock and someone I look up to a lot.

But this post isn't really about her (sorry Mom... I love you!). This post is really dedicated to my grandma Linda. She's been having a rough time (especially this last month), as you probably have read in some of my previous posts. Today I came home from tutoring to find my mom and dad talking to my grandma who had apparently gotten upset about something that was said to her. I went out to my room to change and give them some time to figure things out and came in to find my parents praying over my grandma. My dad prayed for peace and understanding for my grandma. He prayed for patience and clarity of her mind to understand what's going on around her. My mom prayed for forgiveness for us as a family for not always being the most patient with her. She prayed that we also can understand how to help her with what she needs the most. Now, I don't know if you know this about me but I'm kinda an emotional person who is brought to tears fairly easily. So by this time I was already welling up a little, but then my grandma started chatting with God and I kinda lost it. She prayed while sobbing, "God, please help me. I don't know what to do. I don't know what's going on. I used to have a house and I used to do things, and now I can't remember. I don't know what's going on. God I know that you are in control and you have a reason for everything. But God, I've been asking for you to help me and you haven't. But God I know you don't always give us what we want when we want it. God please help me. I don't know what to do."

I pray that one day, when I am old and losing my mind to a disease, I can still have the faith that my grandma showed me tonight through her prayer and her continual faith.

1 comment:

Christine H. said...

Well, I'm REALLY glad you did a Mother's Day post. I was blessed to read this. Thanks!