Saturday, August 04, 2012

New Chapter

Oh Wow! It has been awhile... I don't even remember where I left off. I guess I am reminded of a blog that I wrote in November of last year. I was finishing up school and didn't really know what was going to happen in my life, but I had a feeling that God had some big plans in mind. Well, I am happy to tell you all that as I sit here in my new home in Elk Grove, CA, I honestly can tell you that God has some big plans. Monday I start staff training at the local Christian High School where I will be teaching math.

I am floored that way back then, God was working on my heart and preparing me for this transition. I just finished a CRAZY summer at OVS (and not a good kind of crazy) yesterday and had to drive up today. Saying goodbyes this last week were hard, but I feel so blessed to have this new opportunity. I am excited about this new journey and look forward to updating you on this new adventure God has set before me.

Please pray for a smooth transition and courage when meeting new people.

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