Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Go Dodgers!

This weekend we took the kids to a Dodger's Game. I don't think I have been to a Dodger game in maybe over 10 years. I am not a huge baseball fan, but going to events are fun and games are pretty entertaining because you can either watch the game or people. Let's just say I watched a lot of people! Dodger's scored in the bottom of the first inning (do you like that baseball lingo? I used to play softball...) making the scored 2-0. The next 6 innings were uneventful. The pitcher threw a no-hitter of the first 7 innings of the game before starting to lose it, so they switched up pitchers. We left right as they were switching pitchers (we had to make it home for dinner on time...) and from what I was told, the game went downhill after that. For those of you who aren't at all familiar with baseball, there are 9 innings (usually, as long as there isn't a tie). Apparently the final score was 8-5 Houston. So sometime in the 2 and a half innings from when we left, Dodger's scored 3 more runs and Houston scored 8! It sucked that we had to leave early, but we made it back right on time as it was (to the minute!!!).

Anyway, It was a really fun day and a really fun weekend. I had some good bonding time with a couple of the kids (it's about time I get some bonding time... only two weekends left before summer!) which was really special to me. Another praise for all of you is that I finally got offered a contract for next year! They weren't sure if they were going to have enough in the budget to hire me back (they do all of the hiring around February/March time) but yesterday they offered me a contract. So I believe I am on for another year of crazy 30 hour weekends hanging out with some great kids!

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