Tuesday, May 13, 2008

One of Those "Born-Agains"?

This weekend at work one of my coworkers (all of the teachers are put on weekend duty's to help supervise the kids) said something that really made me check my heart and evaluate myself (does that ever happen to you? Someone - maybe even someone who isn't a Christ follower - says something that makes you check yourself?). She is sort of a Chatty-Kathy ("sort of" might be being too nice... she talks A LOT and it's usually pretty negative... not super fun to work with). Anyway, she was talking about one of her friends and referred to them as "One of those Born-Agains." I said "Born-Agains?" and she sort of just went on with her story (I honestly don't even remember what she said because I started to really think about what she said... I think it was something about how she had cancer or something... that sounds bad that I was zoning out, and it probably was...). Don't get me wrong, I was super excited that she called her friends this. It sounds like they are doing a pretty good job of furthering God's Kingdom. It did however make me look at myself. Do people call me "Another Born-Again"? Is God's love pouring out of me to make people see Jesus in me? Are the fruits of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control) apparent and driving factors in my life today? What am I doing to further God's Kingdom? I just finished reading Jesus for President (I will be posting on that later) and it talked a lot about living like Jesus lived/s and loving like Jesus loves. It talked a lot about being a part of a different Kingdom; not the Roman Empire, or the American Empire, or the European Empire, but being a member for Kingdom of God and what that means for how our lives should look. They should not look like those with devotion to the Empires of this world (focusing on money, power, military might...) but those with a devotion to loving God and loving others! I pray that people will see Jesus' love shinning through me! I pray that one day, someone will see Christ in me and that they might even refer to me as "One of those 'Born-Agains.'"

1 comment:

Christine H. said...

Wow! What an awesome look at a familiar label. I think you do shine Christ's love to others.