Like I said a couple of posts ago, (Final Assignment) I finished my final assignment for my digital photography class. It is all over! Before deciding to go with the feet portrait, I was playing around with grids and overlays and stuff on Photoshop and well, that up there is what I came up with. I really liked the colors in it and the overlay of the grid...
Yesterday was my first day back at work from Thanksgiving break. And while I wasn't totally stoked to go into work, I have to say that I was excited to see my kids again. When I got there, I just felt an overwhelming amount of love and compassion for these kids who spend all year away from their families. Sure the elementary annoy my with their silly arguing about who lined up first and "you touched my bed." Sure the middle schoolers who think they are the coolest kids in the world break my heart with their disrespect and eagerness to find acceptance from anyone who will show them the slightest bit of compassion. Thursday at Aces, the leaders went into the kitchen and we chatted about the evening and why we come to help at youth group; We go to love teens. Then it came to me, how awesome is it to have a job where I am getting paid to love kids? It sucks not going to church and not being able to serve like I feel I should. It sucks being tired after a long weekend of crazy kids doing crazy things. But I get to love kids which makes it all so worth my time.
Anyway, this all just kinda came to me right now as I was looking at the overlay on that grid up there. The words on it just reminded me of why I am here every weekend.
Spread Love everywhere you go.
Do everything in Love. 1 Corinthians 16:14
Love is the water of life... drink deeply.
Love is the fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand.
Let us always meet each other with a smile, for a smile is the beginning of love.
If you judge someone, you have no time to Love them.
Do everything in Love. 1 Corinthians 16:14
Love is the water of life... drink deeply.
Love is the fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand.
Let us always meet each other with a smile, for a smile is the beginning of love.
If you judge someone, you have no time to Love them.
DUDE MICH!!! That picture is EFFING SWEET!!! When I first saw it I thought it was like some crazy art thing from the internet and then you started talking about your photog class and was like "wait, did she make that???".
Major props. Major.
Thanks Lexa! I really liked how this one turned out... it was super fun!
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