Friday, February 26, 2010

Climbing Uphill

This last week I have felt like I have been climbing an uphill battle. My mom has been in Mexico with some OVS students so I've been trying to step up and help out more with the house and grandma. Friday Night I was on LAX sleepovers (some of the kids fly home alone when they go on break and someone has to stay with them). The couple kids I had were fun and it was a pretty easy night. Got the kids up early Saturday morning and sent them off with the bus driver to LAX by 6:30am. I made it home before anyone else was up. When Grandma got up she was super confused and the she progressively got more and more confused as the morning went on. Since the Dr diagnosed her with having a series of mini-strokes and because she was so confused, we thought she might be having a stroke so we took her to the hospital. We spent most of Saturday morning in the ER but by the afternoon, she was more alert and apologetic for "being so difficult" as she said. Sunday morning she woke up a little confused again and was worried that she might be having another bad morning so she went back to bed. My dad and sister went to church and I stayed behind to make sure she got up ok. She didn't end up waking up until close to 11 which meant I missed church on my only weekend off in February.

Monday was a fun day. Amber and Ryan had jury duty so I got to watch the girls for a bit in the morning before taking Sage to school. Aspen and I hung out for a few more hours before I dropped her off at Gina's. Grandma really liked seeing the kids in the house. She actually ended up having a really good day as a result. She ended up having an appointment with Dr Amordiguy who said that she needs to get more sleep and that her episode on Saturday was probably a result of not enough sleep. Tuesday she ended up sleeping in until about 9:30 which made me miss my first full day of school this semester. When she finally got up, we had to rush a little to get her ready to go to the Dentist. She's been getting sores in her mouth because her dentures don't fit so they put in a soft pallet to make them more comfortable. Unfortunately that meant that she was without her dentures for almost three whole days. It was really hard to see her without her dentures. She just looked and seemed so sad and depressed that it just ate away at me. I ended up studying in my room for the majority of the evening.

The rest of the week has just been emotionally an uphill battle, but I do have to say that I feel slightly stronger because of it. It's kinda like working out. You have to tear down the muscles in order to build them back up stronger. But have you ever pushed it too hard and you just feel wrecked for days after? That's how I feel about this week. My emotions have been pushed to their very limit and it is taking me a little while to get back on my feet. But I am getting there.

Please continue to pray that we can find some answers to my grandma's confusion. My mom wants to hire someone to come in a couple days a week to hang out/make lunches for my grandma so please pray that we can find someone reliable that my grandma can feel comfortable with (if you know of anyone who needs a job, let me know). I'm hosting at camp this weekend so I am hoping that I can recover from my week long uphill battle and come back refreshed and ready for another week.

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