Monday, January 05, 2009

A Few of My Favorite Things

While raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens are some of my aunt Julie's favorite things, (haha... I tell that joke to my kids and they never get it...) I thought I would share a few of my favorite things.
  • Spending 8 hours Decoupaging a coat rack for my bedroom (I'll try and get a picture of it for you).
  • Spending 4 hours sewing 4 pairs of PJ shorts for my sister.
  • A Sunday afternoon phone call: "Hey Michaela! What are you doing tomorrow at 5am?" "Um... Sleeping... Why? What do you need?" "Wanna drive me to the Burbank Airport?"
  • Running into people at the gas station... at 4:30am. (So, I met this couple last weekend at church. They pulled up just as I was getting out of my car and asked what time church started. I said 9:30 and walked in with them. Her name was Deborah and his name was Noah. They just moved into town a couple of months ago and their friend recommended the church.) Anyway, he was on his was to work down at Disney Studios. He works construction on film sets and is currently working on the new Sandra Bullock movie, The Proposal (which I don't really understand because the movie is in post-production and I have already seen previews for the film... which I thought means the movie is finished... I dunno).
  • The 4:30 drive to Burbank Airport...
  • Random Conversations at Trader Joes: The first after this guy noticed my FH shirt (getting dressed at 4:15am = grabbing the shirt at the top of the clean pile). He started chatting about Rancho Del Rey and how his dad was good friends with the Hansens (who donated a bunch of money to RDR back in the day... hence Hansen Hall). We chatted about FH for a bit before I had to leave. The second was at the check out at TJoes. The girl at the register commented on how much she liked my haircut (which is always funny when I haven't gotten my haircut in 3 months... has it really been that long? Oh Wowee Wow!). We chatted about straightning hair and stuff before I had to head out.
A pretty random start to the New Year... And I love every bit of it!

1 comment:

Christine H. said...

I love random posts like these. Thanks for sharing. The Proposal looks like a cute movie.