Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Ode to the Yellow Bug

I don't know what you listen to when you are in your car, but I personally enjoy listening to my ipod. Unfortunately I do not have a tape player in my car, so I am stuck using an FM transmitter to play my ipod through my stereo. It's a pretty cheap one, I will admit, but it does a great job on this one station... But there's this yellow bug that goes to my school; let's call him NIKZBUG (that's his license plate)...

Well, NIKZBUG likes to use the same radio station that I use... And his FM transmitter is way better then mine... So whenever he comes within 5 car lengths (that's not an exaggeration either...) of me, I pick up his radio station (which I am guessing is maybe an XM thing, but I'm really not sure)... This would be fine if his radio station was good, but his station just talks about sex... I don't want to hear that crap... So whenever my station starts to get a little fuzzy, I frantically look for that stupid yellow bug... I've become so paranoid that when I see other yellow bugs, I start to panic a little and drive faster or slower to avoid it (even if it's not him...)... Ridiculous I know... But I can't stand that stupid yellow bug...

1 comment:

ATSmith said...

haha. that's funny michaela.