Well... I am now at home for awhile. I am so sorry for not updating this blog as often as I have in the past (sorry Martha!). Life has been totally crazy and God has been doing some wild things, and I am sorry I haven't been able to keep everyone as up to date as I maybe could have.
Hungary was incredible! It was so much fun to hang out and get to know all of the GEMKs. I learned so much about them, myself, and just being a child of God. It really was a great time. I still don't have my suitcase back, but I know that this is all a part of God's plan and I am doing alright without it.
Hume was a very long week. God definitely had some major plans for me and all of our campers. Some wild stuff happened including the "Toilet incident". I would love to type out what happened with the toilet deal... but it might not be entirely appropriate, but if you ask me about it I will totally fill you in.
But life is now moving on. I start school this Thursday (well, my sewing class starts tomorrow, but CSUN starts on Thursday) and I am definitely starting to freak out a bit. I am so over being at school and I just want to move away and start whatever it is that God wants me to do... but I know that might not be the most responsible thing to do so I am sticking with what I am trying to accomplish. Please pray that I will get excited about what I am doing and fully trust and listen for what God wants me to do with my life. God really spoke to me over the last three weeks (from Hungary to Hume) and I am really beginning to think and pray about where God wants me and what He wants me to do. Anyway... I am here and I am ready for what God has planned for this year of school and work.
I love your heart for the Lord and your openness to His leading.
You had a crazy three weeks; don't appologize for not blogging! I'm glad you're back at it, though!
So, the toilet incident??? I'm intrigued! Do you remember the "toilet incident" at Forest Home in our cabin when you were a little junior-higher? Maybe God was preparing you for this last week at Hume!!! LOL
I ran into your mom at Target!! I think it might have been Janae?? with her?...Anyway, I know this is a crazy time in your life, but praise God that you are seeking Him and desiring to bring glory to his name. I will be praying for you as you seek His direction.
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