Yesterday I started working with Mason again and now Caden as well. Yesterday I mainly played with Mason. He is not really adjusting well to the new baby (he gets really jealous when you are holding and feeding Caden and not spending time with him). So yesterday we had some Michaela and Mason time. The time I felt most successful however was during nap time. I finished eating some lunch and I went and rocked Mason to sleep (it usually takes about 20 mins and it is so much fun because he loves to cuddle). After putting Mason to sleep I relieved grandma (Sam's mom who is leaving on Friday... poor Sam) of Caden duty. I bounced around with Caden for about an hour before he would let me put him down. There was a 45 min period when both boys were sound asleep in their cribs. It was remarkable and so precious! I felt so good after accomplishing that. Amazingly I was able to do it again today! Today was more Caden heavy (Sam is feeling so overwhelmed that when I walked into the house today she was almost in tears as she asked me to take Caden for awhile). I spent most of the day with Caden, but got to put Mason down for a nap (for some reason I am the only one that can really get Mason to take a nap on a regular basis). After putting Mason down I put Caden down and they both slept for over an hour!!!
I am so glad I get to help Sam out as much as possible (especially now with two boys under the age of 1, rebuilding their house, rebuilding the office, and everyone thinking that she is still working full time). Please pray that Sam will get some sleep (Caden isn't sleeping very well... as well as a newborn can I guess). She still can't pickup Mason which is really really hard on her and really really really hard on Mason. He is so jealous of Caden and just wants his mommy back. Please pray that I can be as helpful as possible to Sam right now. Pray that Mason will start eating again (he has been teething really bad and hasn't eaten solid foods in a week... making him very constipated and cranky... he finally ate for me today... yogurt and prunes... MMMmmm!!!) Anyway, I thought I would share my success story with you all. I would love to hear some of the times that you all felt most successful... I am sure there are wonderful stories out there.
Hmmm...I don't measure success by the world's standards. I would say one success is watching a little junior higher whose name I couldn't pronounce or spell for the longest time grow up into a beautiful woman of God, who is now serving Him in so many ways and helping others, like Sam & Mason, and pointing people to Christ on a regular basis. That's success, not in the world's eyes, but it sure makes my eyes well up with tears. Sniff sniff!!
Way to go Michaela! You are awesome! Want to come over and put my kids to bed?? Heee hee hee ...
Yes, praise the Lord for your heart and your willingness to help out. You never really know until you are a momma the work it takes (unless of course, you are the blessed one helping out that momma!!)
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