Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Camp... And then Some...

I have now heard from about three people that they were SO happy that I FINALLY updated my blog... I know I am usually really good at updating, but it's been a rough last 5 weeks with trips, prepping for camp, and now running camp. The first three weeks of have been really hard on my physically, mentally, and emotionally. Things are starting to look up though. God has put two incredible co-workers on our staff this year that are so encouraging and loving towards me. God also has blessed me with some AMAZING friends and mentors and I am so thankful for having them in my life (you know who you are...).

So, camp... Where do I begin? I actually don't really want to talk about it. It's getting better and we are hoping/praying to hire Katie back to help us out for the last three weeks of camp. Right now it's kinda just been Dillon and myself doing everything with not a whole lot of help from out new Head Dorm Parents... they are doing their best, but they are new to the job and there seems to be a bigger learning curve for them (not to mention one is the laziest person alive and never wants to do anything he is supposed to... it's kinda annoying). So camp is crazy and stressful, but I am trying to find the joy in it where I can...

1 comment:

Mom Martha said...

Yes, I am thrilled that you are filling us in once again about what is going on in your life~! Camp sounds say the least~!
One day at a time...or one hour at a time~! He renews our spirits in ways we did not know possible.
Have a great weekend~!
Mom Martha