The book itself is really powerful and really makes you think about how you live your life. It questions who you are living for; Are you living for the Roman Empire (or in our case, the American Empire) or are you living as a chosen child of God - Holy and set apart from nations to be His own. The book really looks at the early church and the politics of Jesus. Someone asked me about a month ago if I thought "politics" should be brought into the church. My response was, the church itself is a political statement. Jesus' entire ministry was political and we, as His followers, should follow in the same manner. We need to be radicals for love and not war - loving our enemies, which I'm pretty sure doesn't include killing them - We are called to turn the other cheek, not to cower in fear but to look our enemy in the eye and pour Christ's love into their souls.
Everything that Shane and Chris had to say was super powerful, but one thing that really made me look at my own life was this: During Jesus' ministry, some of John the Baptist's disciples came to Jesus and asked him, "Are you the one who was to come, or should we expect someone else?" (Luke 7:19). Jesus didn't respond with a conceited "Yes." Instead he "cured many who had diseases, sicknesses and evil spirits, and gave sight to many who were blind" and told them "Go back and report to John what you have seen and heard: The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor." (Luke 7:22) Jesus essentially says to them, "Tell him what you see... look at what is being done and decide for yourself." I have always thought this response was pretty neat, but Shane challenged us by asking if we could respond in the same way? When people ask us, "Are you a Christian?" our response should be that like Christ's "Tell me what you see in my life." I know I struggle with that and always have to reevaluate my life to see if someone could look at my life and see Jesus at the center of every thought and action.

One: Deliver Us, O God.
All: Guide our feet in the ways of Your peace.
One: In humility, we ask.
All: Hear our prayer. Grant us Peace.
One: In humility, we ask.
All: Hear our prayer. Grant us Peace.
One: Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world.
All: Have mercy on us.
One: Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world.
All: Free us from the bondage of sin and death.
One: Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world.
All: Hear our prayer. Grant us peace.
One: Today, we pledge our ultimate allegiance to the Kingdom of God.
All: We pledge allegiance.
One: To the peace that is not like Rome's.
All: We pledge allegiance.
One: To the gospel of enemy-love.
All: We pledge allegiance.
One: To the kingdom of the poor and broken.
All: We pledge allegiance.
One: To a King who loves His enemies so much He died for them.
All: We pledge allegiance.
One: To the least of these, with whom Christ dwells.
All: We pledge allegiance.
One: To the transnational Church that transcends the artificial borders of nations.
All: We pledge allegiance.
One: To the refugee of Nazereth.
All: We pledge allegiance.
One: To the homeless rabbi who had no place to lay His head.
All: We pledge allegiance.
One: To the cross rather than the sword.
All: We pledge allegiance.
One: To the banner of love above any flag.
All: We pledge allegiance.
One: To the One who rules with a towel rather than an iron fist.
All: We pledge allegiance.
One: To the One who rides a donkey rather than a war horse.
All: We pledge allegiance.
One: To the revolution that sets both oppressed and oppressors free.
All: We pledge allegiance.
One: To the way that leads to Life.
All: We pledge allegiance.
One: To the Slaughtered Lamb.
All: We pledge allegiance.
One: And together we proclaim His praises, from the margins of the empire to the centers of wealth and power.
All: Long Live the Slaughtered Lamb!
One: Long Live the Slaughtered Lamb!
All: Long Live the Slaughter Lamb!
Way better than pledging to the American flag. How incredible is it that we can pledge our allegiance to the Slaughtered Lamb! The goal of last night was not to tell us who to vote for or which party to join. Their mission was and is to unite Christ Followers to live lives set apart from the nations and empires of this world and to live lives that reflect Christ's love for us all. Long Live the Slaughtered Lamb!
All: Guide our feet in the ways of Your peace.
One: In humility, we ask.
All: Hear our prayer. Grant us Peace.
One: In humility, we ask.
All: Hear our prayer. Grant us Peace.
One: Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world.
All: Have mercy on us.
One: Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world.
All: Free us from the bondage of sin and death.
One: Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world.
All: Hear our prayer. Grant us peace.
One: Today, we pledge our ultimate allegiance to the Kingdom of God.
All: We pledge allegiance.
One: To the peace that is not like Rome's.
All: We pledge allegiance.
One: To the gospel of enemy-love.
All: We pledge allegiance.
One: To the kingdom of the poor and broken.
All: We pledge allegiance.
One: To a King who loves His enemies so much He died for them.
All: We pledge allegiance.
One: To the least of these, with whom Christ dwells.
All: We pledge allegiance.
One: To the transnational Church that transcends the artificial borders of nations.
All: We pledge allegiance.
One: To the refugee of Nazereth.
All: We pledge allegiance.
One: To the homeless rabbi who had no place to lay His head.
All: We pledge allegiance.
One: To the cross rather than the sword.
All: We pledge allegiance.
One: To the banner of love above any flag.
All: We pledge allegiance.
One: To the One who rules with a towel rather than an iron fist.
All: We pledge allegiance.
One: To the One who rides a donkey rather than a war horse.
All: We pledge allegiance.
One: To the revolution that sets both oppressed and oppressors free.
All: We pledge allegiance.
One: To the way that leads to Life.
All: We pledge allegiance.
One: To the Slaughtered Lamb.
All: We pledge allegiance.
One: And together we proclaim His praises, from the margins of the empire to the centers of wealth and power.
All: Long Live the Slaughtered Lamb!
One: Long Live the Slaughtered Lamb!
All: Long Live the Slaughter Lamb!
Way better than pledging to the American flag. How incredible is it that we can pledge our allegiance to the Slaughtered Lamb! The goal of last night was not to tell us who to vote for or which party to join. Their mission was and is to unite Christ Followers to live lives set apart from the nations and empires of this world and to live lives that reflect Christ's love for us all. Long Live the Slaughtered Lamb!
Wow! Great book review. Eric read Jesus for President and is re-reading it. I just finished reading an awesome book about grieving, so now I am going to read Jesus for President.
I really wanted to go last night, but Eric was away all day until late at night. I didn't want to get a sitter. I'm glad you enjoyed it and were blessed by it.
Great post Michaela, I'm glad you got to go.
ditto what ryan said.
hey michaela, interesting to hear more about the book and how the event went. i read the first book but not jesus for pres. that's cool that you got to hang out and talk with the guys afterwards, neat to see that it was encouraging for you. love ya, meg.
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