Monday, August 04, 2008

Caught in a Storm

Today I woke up around 9 am after going to sleep around 9:30pm... gotta love those 11 hour sleeps. We all ate breakfast and then hung around for a couple hours before heading into downtown Sopron. We found a bank (many of us didn't have any forint and needed to take some out) and then we went and ate some pizza for lunch. Liz and I (Liz is my roommate by the way... I enjoy hanging with her and am looking forward to getting to know her better) shared a pizza which made for a lovely lunch. We then walked up to the BOB (the toboggan ride here in Sopron), just to make sure we all remembered how to get there. I opted out of riding it this time around, but maybe later in the week if some kids want to go I will ride it with them. As we left the BOB, it began to rain. We walked down to the Interspar (the very large grocery store here is Sopron) and picked up some necessities (for me it was shampoo, conditioner, deodorant,) and then some not so necessities: Coke Light (that's right Ryan... I'm having a Hungarian Coke Light right now... If I get my suitcase back then I will bring some home for you, but if I'm stuck with my carry-on, you're out of luck!) and a Soproni (yeah, that's definitely a beer... not quite 21 yet in the states, but here it's legal and not a big deal so Liz, Matt, and I are going to have our beers later on tonight). Once we left Interspar the rain had picked up and there was some definite thunder going on in the background. Ah... a summer thunder storm! It's was super neat to be caught in one since we definitely don't have them in California. We were able to catch the bus up to our stop. By the time we reached our stop we still had a 5-10 min walk uphill to our hotel and by this time it was pouring down rain with thunder and lightening. Once we got up the hill, we were soaked from head to toe. I kept slipping in my rainbows so I took them off and just walked up barefoot. About 5 minutes ago I looked out the window of my room and definitely saw a lightening bolt maybe a mile away... and now the rain has stopped... It looks like it's clearing up. But it was pretty neat.

Anyway, no word on the luggage yet. I have to call and ask sometime today. I will keep you as updated as possible. Please be in prayer for Matt's brother Mike. He got here yesterday from spending a couple months in Cambodia (he is here to be part of the team) and almost instantly began to feel ill. Not getting into too many details, he got REALLY sick and from all the loss of fluid he was definitely way dehydrated. The ambulance picked him up yesterday and took him to the hospital were he probably has to stay for another two nights. Matt and Liz are over there right now checking up on him but please pray that the doctors can figure out what's wrong with him as there are many possibilities with him just getting back from Cambodia. Pray that they can treat him and that he will be healed and can join our team soon.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

mmmmm Coke Light...I sadly forgot all about it.

With your luggage now, I have a 50-50 chance of getting back...I guess it all depends on your luggage making it back to the states now. Without all of those shirts there should be lots of room.

While you are drinking your Coke Light, be sure to think of me drinking really big sodas in New York, with lots and lots of ice.

You know what's better than Coke Light? COLD Coke Light.