Monday, August 18, 2008

Thin Moments

It's been so nice to be able to go to church this summer. I've been almost dreading going back to work in a couple of weeks because I know it means no more church. I've been kinda bummed that Community took a break for the summer (I'm glad I get to go to two before work starts) because I really have a hard time in "Big church" (I call it big church... I don't know why...). I don't know if it is the Honky Tonk/Patriotic Worship music or the sermons that seem to go on forever about nothing... sorry, a little bit of venting going on there. Anyway, all this to say I actually liked yesterday's sermon. Even though most of Paul's sermons feel like I am in a history lesson (and don't get me wrong, I like a little bit of the history stuff... but not an hour of it...), yesterday's was pretty good. He has been talking about this "Thin Moments" in life where we find ourselves the closest to God. At conference (and it seems like everywhere), a lot of people have been wondering "Where God went?" He seems so distant to so many people and the reality of it is, He hasn't gone anywhere. We have built up this thick wall around us with the business of our lives, the school, the work, the meetings, the soccer games, whatever is filling our lives. We have pushed Him away and we have to thin out our lives in order to draw nearer to him. So the sermons have been about ancient ways of making ourselves thin to God. This week He talked about the "Jesus Prayer" which is one of my favorite prayers. There's just something so powerful in saying "Jesus Christ, Son of God, Have mercy on me, A sinner."


Christine H. said...

Yeah, I'm right there with you...we spent the summer in Richie's parenting class for 4 weeks (then leaving afterward and going home), in the toddler room 3or 4 times, went to CLC with Young Life kids 2 or 3 times and sat in church once and squirmed until it was over. : ) So glad Community starts Sunday! See you there!

Alexa said...

Um . . . Mich . . . I love you too! And I am SO glad you're my friend as well.