Friday, August 01, 2008

Making Like a Baby... and Heading Out...

I couldn't resist the pun in the title... I couldn't figure out what to make the title so I made it as cheesy as possible...

I am leaving tomorrow morning for the 2008 GEM-K Conference in Sopron, Hungary. All my bags are packed... I'm ready to go... oh wait I'm not singing... But in all reality I am ready to go. These last six weeks have been crazy stressful and busy with camp, and I am excited to get away and meet new people and reconnect with old friends. I will do my best to keep my blog updated with photos or whatever, but I don't make any promises. Please pray for travel safety for me (and my luggage... I am carrying on my clothes and checking the camp t-shirts and it would be a bummer if they didn't make it). Keep me and the MKs and the leaders and Matt & Hailey in your prayers the next week and a half.

PS: Here are a random sampling of photos from Summer Camp this year. Enjoy!

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