Today was pretty funny. I woke up at 7:30 (after not sleeping super well for two nights now... I feel better, but at night I can't stop coughing) and rolled over to Coffee Connection around 8... I spent a few hours hanging in the back patio. Around 11 Holly, Cory, and I decided that it was far to hot to continue sitting there, so Holly and I went down to Bad Ass Coffee in Ventura. The place was practically abandoned but we hung out for an hour or so before I had to head over to my Digital Photography class. There I finished my 3rd assignment (I think I finished it... I think I am as happy as I can get with these photos... it's just time for a new camera...). I cut out two of the photos and decided to stick with the color.

'Guitar Man'

'Music Man'

'Anything Helps'

'Book Club'
After class I dropped off some paperwork at the Business Office before, yup, heading back to Coffee Connection to wait for Nae to finish with a test. So... a few cups of coffee later, It's time to try and go to sleep. Please let me know what you think of the photos. The assignment isn't due until a week from Monday, but I have to print them and mount them next week so any suggestions would be great!
I miss you sister! love you so so much
Hey, nice photos! Enjoying the class?
hm. well, the photos are kinda small on here, but i really like the angle on the "anything helps" one. kind of like he's lower than the other people, and they're walking on their way... whether to help or not, I can't tell. then, i like the last one too. the community of it, along with the sunshine and the outside-ness. but the fact that there're no people in the music man one seems a little... dissonant. somehow. and none of the instruments are active, that's interesting. so that's my two cents. =)
also- LOVED the story about the hippie, above!! that's just such a cool encounter... i have some stuff to tell you about too. =) maybe I'll send you a fcb message or something. ttfn!
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