Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I Say Hello...

This morning I went for a walk with my mom. We walked the bike path down towards Oak View and I began to wonder; Why is it that people say hello when you pass them on the bike path? Don't get me wrong, I think it's wonderful and I always say hello myself, but why do we do it? I mean, if we were walking/running/biking on a sidewalk, we never say hello to people we pass (some people do, but most times you won't). So why is it that it is almost expected of you to greet other bike path goers?

I don't know... just something I was thinking about today...


hestermom said...

I think there is some sort of connection... like, hey! I am out exercising and so are you!! Because I always say "hello" on the bike path, and even on the sidewalks when I'm out walking. But not at the mall or Target, unless I know someone in which case I will still say hello. =)

Christine H. said...

It's kind-of the same as the biker wave. Growing up on the back of a motorcycle, I always got a kick out of doing the slight hand wave to the other bikers as they passed on the opposite side. It's just what bikers do.

So, I guess the bike path has it's own little tradition, too.

Christine H. said...

Happy Thanksgiving! : )