Thursday, August 27, 2009

Just Call Me Oscar...

Today was not a great day... In fact, I might even have to go as far as to say it was a bad day. Why you may ask? Nothing to specific but let me try and paint the picture for you. 9am I drove my abuela and my tia Leecha (yes that's her name) to Santa Clarita to meet up with my tio David who drove them the rest of the way to Palmdale. Not a big deal but a little out of the way when it comes to having class at noon. So driving back towards Camarillo I really wasn't into going to class but knew it was only the first week of classes and I can't start up with my old habits. Plus I had a paper due and I knew I had to be there.

So I get to school and go to exchange my math book (I bought the wrong one and the real one cost my an extra $55). Buying books puts me in a terrible mood! Paying for school puts me in a terrible mood! I hate how much money people (myself included) have to pay for school. And on top of tuition, they want us to buy $150+ books (per class...) and a $145 parking permit? It's dumb! Anyway, after getting the book, I go and try to find a place to park and there is zero parking... and by zero, I mean, I drove around for 30 mins before I found someone leaving. I hate looking for parking and 30 minutes is out of control! As soon as I got out of my air conditioned car, I was blown away with this large amount of heat that instantly got me sweating. Oh and did I mention the parking spot I found was on the opposite side of campus in comparison to my class? Yeah... that sucked. And it was Balls HOT!!!! I know I am complaining, but just give me this...

English was fine. We talked about Feminism :-&... I could kinda care less but I guess it's kinda interesting. I was already in a bit of a grouchy mood (hence the title of the blog... get it?) and just wanted a 'D' DC (in case you don't know the abrieves, 'D' is for damn and DC is for Diet Coke). Class got out and so I went over to my next class (that didn't start for another almost two hours). Thankfully the door was open and there was no class before my next one... and it's a computer class so I went and sat on the internet for a good two hours. The brief time between classes was great (and I got a DC which helped) but then class started...

Ok so my computer class. I would say I know a good amount about computers. More than most people but not near as much as others. I know Microsoft really really well! For this class we have the opportunity to test out of the class. The first of a series of Test Out exams was given on the first day and you had to score 65% or better to be eligible to take the other exams. Now while I know the ins and out of Microsoft, I am not quite as knowledgeable when it comes to the ins and outs of a computer and saving documents in different formats and SPTs and WLAN vs LAN (I actually know the WLAN stuff and the saving stuff... but you get the idea). I took the test and scored a 61%... That SUCKS!!! I know computers! I know how to work a computer! Why the Hell do we need to know what a SPT is? It just sucks to be so close and to still feel like a failure... Anyway, that was Tuesday and we are talking about today (thursday). Today we had the second in the series of exams which he still was requiring everyone to take and it was the Excel exam. I know Excel! I took a class in HS and I have been using it forever! I know that program! But going into a test that I know I can kill and knowing that it won't matter... SUCKS!!!! The test was basically recreating a chart that the professor already made with some random data. The object was to show that we knew how to create equations to find inputs as opposed to doing it ourselves. Of course he locked the sample chart so we couldn't just copy and paste... However, he also did something weird where he locked all tools that would allow us to make a real chart... Merging cells, bold text, text alignment... all of it... gone... I was still able to get the info in and create the equations which is what he wanted but it didn't look like the original (the numbers were the same which is what really mattered) which if you know me at all, it's not ok (OCD and all... it wasn't perfect and I wanted it to be perfect...)! The second part of the test was to take the information and create a bar graph. Super easy! But again with the whole, locked tools thing, I couldn't even get to the create a graph section! I was so pissed. Not to mention the professor is kinda a D-Bag and was upset that I haven't bought the $145 book yet (class only started Tuesday...)...

I know this sounds like a lot of complaining and yeah it is actually... Today wasn't great. I was grouchy and unhappy which sucks but tomorrow is a new day full of meetings, hanging out with teens, and lifeguarding for kids with Cancer...


Eschew obfuscation! said...

hey michaela-friend...
i know exactly what you mean, about a day that wasn't BAD, per se, but really was yucky.
and you know what? i think you have a perfect right to be grouchy about it on here.
after all... it's ok not to be ok sometimes. i hope and pray that tomorrow (or today, i guess, hehe) God will give you some cause for joy.

Mom Martha said...

OK Oscar...I am complaining that it is Sunday and not Friday night so I can have the weekend to work and try to get caught up for the week! I totally understand and I would be mad at the prof as well...being to set up for failure before you start is super frustrating! Not that this helps but you are understood and loved!