Tuesday, April 20, 2010


No... Not romantically... I mean in school. For the first time in my college career, I am now involved in my school. I started tutoring at the Learning Resource Center at school and now I have friends. Not really friends but I know people now. I see them walking around campus and they say hi (some of them) and it feel nice. It's nice to not be alone. Tutoring is going really well. It's been slow in the LRC the last couple of days which has been nice since I just started tutoring solo this week. We only have three (really 2 and a half) weeks of school left before finals so I imagine things will be getting busier but for now I am enjoying myself.

Yes, that's right. Only 2 and a half weeks of school left. For me it's more like 5 more class days before finals and summer! I am so excited but I have a feeling these last few weeks are going to be pretty busy.

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