Monday, July 01, 2013


Let's be honest here... I struggle to pay attention in church sometimes (or most of the time)... I get distracted by people around me, by my list of things to do, by my phone (yes I play with my phone in church sometimes but who doesn't) and sometimes I just get turned off by the message.

Finding a church up here has been... well... I don't want to say a struggle... It was a new experience for me for sure. Growing up going to the same church for 25 years is kinda a big deal. Finding a new church family after that has been no easy task and I am still not totally convinced that I have found one (although I want to believe I have). I spent the first few months "testing out" different churches and different services. I did some research online and went to the ones whose websites aligned with my beliefs on God and Faith and what a church 'should' look like. I ended up settling in at one church in particular that was actually the first one I attended. I am not sure why I chose that church but something inside of me clicked when I went there for the first time. One of the greeters hugged me when I told her I was new to the area and asked me questions about my life like she genuinely wanted to know everything about me. It reminded me of my church family back home and I was filled with a sense of peace and the thought that this maybe could be my new church family.

Its been almost a year now since I have been up here and I am still not totally convinced that this church is where God wants me. The worship is short and the song selections are very random (usually new songs that I have never heard... which is cool every once in a while but ever single week???) and the preaching seems to be very surfacey... almost like it is targeted for baby Christians and new believers (I am talking alter calls every week...). But I still go because I have a feeling inside me that this is where God wants me. I feel comfortable there. People are kind and welcoming although I haven't gotten to know very many of them. They also have a young adults ministry that I have gone to a couple of times but haven't been able to commit to due to timing and other stuff.

Maybe its me. Maybe I just need to dive in and commit. Maybe I haven't been open to meeting new people (#introvertproblems). Maybe I just need to get connected and join a community group. Maybe I should start serving and sharing my gifts with a church that could be my new family. Lots to do and little time to do it.

But He is greater than I am. Yesterday that's what the sermon was on. That God is greater than us. JESUS is greater than RELIGION. JESUS has greater POWER. And JESUS is a greater RELATIONSHIP. He is greater than my 'issues' with finding a new church. He is greater than my insecurities. He is greater than my fears. HE>I.

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