Sunday, August 23, 2009

God Is Good

I started this entry a couple of weeks ago when camp actually ended (well maybe that was only a week ago... I've been so busy I kinda lost track of the time) but I haven't really been able to formulate my words. But with school starting tomorrow I better wrap up this chapter before I move onto another.

My summer at Forest Home Ojai Valley was definitely one I will remember forever. There are many things I will remember, both good and bad, but I think the biggest thing I will take away from this summer is that God is good! Pretty simple, I know. Whenever people ask what I learned this summer it's that God is good. I have heard it my whole life and I knew what it meant but it was never really real to me before. I think I just saw so many times this summer that God is good and I heard so many people say it over and over again that it kinda clicked in my head. I don't think anyone can really wrap their heads around how good God is (I don't think our human minds can really contain that full knowledge) but it became more real to me this summer than it ever has.

The summer started off great! It was so nice to work with other Christians and to live somewhere other than my house for the summer (not that living at my house is bad but sometimes I feel like a loser because I am almost 22, living at home with my parents. I know it's the smartest thing for me to be doing right now but it was nice to try something different). My roommates in the beginning were Becca and Kat. I had met Kat previously but never met Becca before camp. It was great getting to know them through sharing Leo Carrillo D. Through some crazy mice inccidents we also become psuedo roommates with the girls of Leo C (our door had a crack at the bottem and mice got it... we had mice for about a week until I moved some furniture and scared them out... we taped up the bottom of the door and had to go through the adjoining room's door... Leo C), Mallory, Alyssa, and Lauren. There are too many stories from Leo C/D to write down. The first week of camp was all "getting to know you" stuff and staff meetings (you know, the sexual harrassment stuff). The meetings were quickly followed by lots and lots of program development. I have never been given the freedom to come up with games and ideas before and it was really neat to be able to participate in that. We had crazy stuff happen with some staff members and some left earlier than planned, which was sad but God is good and He was faithful through it all. Through some of these events, I ended up switching to Leo C and joining Mal, Alyssa, and Lauren for the last three weeks of camp. What's funny is when I moved out, Kat and I started hanging out more than when we lived together. It was neat to spend that time with her and share our hearts with each other for those last three weeks.

When asked what my favorite part of camp was, I think I would have to say the people. The churchs that came, the students, the counselors, the youth pastors, but esspecially the staff. I really felt like I had a family when I was at camp. I trusted each and every one of them and loved getting to know them. I can honestly say I miss each and every one of them and I can't wait to see them again!

Like I said, I have been really busy since camp ended. I have been working almost every day (trying to pick up hours at camp until I start my real job). The tan is looking great (I've been lifeguarding... it's kinda my fav and I didn't get to do it all summer so I am glad I have been able to this last week) and I think I am ready to start school. Good thing too because my first class is tomorrow morning at 8am. Not too early but enough to get me going for the day. I'll try and be better and keeping this updated, but we will see what this semester holds. All I know is that God is good and it is all in His hands.

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

bahhh I miss you! and I LOVE lifeguarding