Sunday, June 10, 2007

My Exciting Weekend

Wow, I can't believe it is Sunday already! This weekend went by really fast. Friday night was quite a late night. I tried to take a nap before broomball, but it really didn't work out. Broomball was super fun despite the time. We had a really small turnout which was odd, but it made the night really really fun. It was nice to mess around with a smaller amount of kids rather then to police a huge bundle of them. We ended up playing students against the adults (the kids won 6-5 but it was a close game the whole time; we didn't do too bad for only having 7 adults against around 20 kids). Unfortunately we got on the ice late so we didn't get home until 12:00am (meaning I didn't get home until around 12:30am when all of the kids got picked up.

Normally staying up that late wouldn't be that big of a deal for me accept I had to go to a camp conference the very next day. To avoid waking up extra early and actually having to do my hair, I took a shower before I went to bed (12:30am). So I got around 5 hours of sleep before the conference. The conference was cool (down at Northridge which put me in familiar territory). A lot of the info was very helpful and I am glad I went. I made sure I went to bed early last night so now I am wide awake and ready for a long, busy week. I just can't believe that this weekend is gone already! Today is Sunday and there is lots to do. Just in time for a very busy week at OVS (BTW; just a quick verification, this job at OVS is not the job I was interviewed for. This is just a summer job that I have had for the last two years. The other job is for the school year and I haven't heard anything back yet. Hallmounsy (the Headmaster) usually likes to take some time off between the school year ending and summer camp beginning so he probably won't be back in the office for another week. But I will let you know what happens).

1 comment:

hestermom said...

Thanks for to a busy start! I felt like the weekend went really fast too, but here we go, another week! Hope it's a good one!