The day went really well and Praise God there were no major injuries (4 years of doing this and God has kept us all intact!). The weather was starting to turn a little (clouds were sort of rolling in and it snowed on and off all day; the smartest comment of the day was probably "Hey, snowflakes really look like snowflakes!" Leave it to High School girls...), but it was really a beautiful day to be up at the snow! In the afternoon we had a stunt competition for a sweat Truth Soul Armor backpack that Cory donated to the church. The stunts made for some really Sick photos and you should definitely check them out! Amber and Alexa tried the box for the first time and totally rocked it! I should have taken more videos of the stunts, but I was able to catch one particular stunt that will leave us laughing for the next few months.
Freddy was trying to clear the barrel and well... it didn't exactly go as he had hoped...
The drive back was probably the most hilarious 5 hours I have spent in a long time! We were all so delirious from being up since 4 am that anything and everything was worth a painful belly laugh (probably the only example that I can share would be Cory's great grandmother knitted a bikini for her sister... We called Cory's sister to see if we could stop by on our way back and see this Knitted concoction, but she didn't know where it was... We seriously did not stop laughing!). Anyway, the day was an absolute blast and despite being way wiped out and starting school today (I will probably write about that tomorrow after I start the bulk of my classes. I only had Math today and that was so much fun! Maybe it's still lack of sleep or me starting to get sick, but I got so excited after my Calculus class that I was scared of myself... Math is so cool... and I am such a Nerd...), I have to say it was absolutely worth it! Thank you Amber for letting us drive your car up there and for listening to me always! Thank you Kate for coming along! I have really enjoyed getting to know you through all of our little trips together and you really make things special (Mendota? "It's cause Men-Dota go there" HAHAHA Classic!)! Thank you Cory for being you! Thank you for your stories about Knitted bikinis and for your openness and your brutal and sometimes disgusting honesty ("Hey Michaela you're doing great! Now don't kill us!", "I make no promises Cory!" SOOOOOOO GOOD!!!!) Thanks for a great road trip girls! This one is definitely gonna be in my memories for years to come and I look forward to more in our future!
Awesome blog Michaela! You rock! I started laughing again just reading about the bikini ... sooooo goood!
Yes, the bikini thing got me to belly-laughing, too!
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