What do you do when it's raining, you are on vacation, and you are bored out of your mind? You go to the movies. It actually doesn't take all of those to make me go to the movies. It usually just takes someone to go with me. In the last couple of weeks I have gone to see two movies and I thought I would tell you what you think about them.

The first of the two was the incredible story of
Sweeney Todd; The Demon Barber of Flint Street. Based off the fictional mid-19th century, Serial Killer, Barber, this Steven Sondheim musical was incredibly well done! This film had a very "old horror film" feel to it (ie; lots of very fake blood and throat slashing... LOTS OF IT!!!) making it a little uncomfortable to those with weak stomachs (at least 6 people walked out of the theater when I was there so know what you are going to see before you jump at this Johnny Depp classic). If the throat slashing doesn't get to you, the darkness that motivates Sweeney Todd (Johnny Depp) to "Never Forget. Never Forgive" (the tagline for the film) will turn your stomach for sure. Sondheim is a genius and Tim Burton's mind is so twisted that this film is definately a must see for musical lovers and horror film addicts alike.

The second movie that I was blessed to see was
Atonement. Based solely off of hearsay, I decided this was a movie to see! After the first few minutes of the film, I was almost afraid I was in the wrong theater. This film was nothing what I expected as far as plot and story line, but at the same time, surpassed my expectations. This wasn't really a film but honestly a piece of art! The cinematography of it and the storyline of the whole thing made me feel like I was watching this beautiful masterpiece unfold before me. I wish I could begin to tell you the story of this film, but it is so intricate that the tiniest hint would ruin the entire affect of the film. You HAVE to see this movie! Know ahead of time that this is not your normal blockbuster hit. This is a raw, genuine piece of art that needs your patience and attention. Take a chance and go for it!
Now I have two more weeks before school starts so if anyone wants to go see a movie (I really want to see
Juno and possibly a couple others) let me know. Looking ahead I am back to work this coming weekend. My next break is in February and I just bought a ticket to head out to Germany for a week! I am so excited to get out of town (OK the country, whatever)! But that's all for now! Have a great week my friends!
Mich, I am reading Atonement now...I want to before I see the movie. It is a great book so far. Also - go see Juno!!! It will surprise you, as you have probably heard.
Hmmm...I really want to go see Sweeney Todd, but Atonement...hmmm...I'm not so sure. I have a feeling it will just make me angry...will it? Anyway...good reviews...well done! And thanks for breakfast again!
Oh, and good job by changing over to our new website
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