Sunday, March 16, 2008

A Bad Case of the Grumps

This weekend was a rough one for me. Normally I go into work and have a fairly good time with the kids and make it out tired but alright. This was not the case this weekend. I guess it all sort of fed off of Thursday night. I went to youth group excited to hang out with some of our teens, when I came across some kids doing some not so OK stuff. Unfortunately this was one of my girls which really left me feeling really hurt, betrayed, heart-broken, and empty all at the same time... making for not the best night at youth group and an even worse night of sleep that night. Then an early morning for school mixed with heading to work that afternoon left me not so excited about entering a weekend of work where I was stuck on sleepover duty (when I am on sleepovers I get to sleep on the couch and not leave the school until Sunday night... if I am brave enough I get to take a shower in the kid's showers while they are sleeping... not fun!). The afternoon went well, but all of the kids could tell I was in a grumpy mood. I even knew I was in a grumpy mood. Does that ever happen to you? You know you are grumpy and you know why you're grumpy but you can't figure out how to turn the grumpiness off? Well, that was me on Friday night. On top of all of that I had to sleep on the couch at work and I just wasn't super happy.

Saturday we had an early wake-up call in order to leave for our trip down to LA's Asia towns. We were supposed to leave at 8:30am, but due to some unknown bus problems we didn't get off until 10. We actually only had time for Little Tokyo and Korea Town, but it was pretty fun and I took lots of pictures. Luckily I was able to come home last night and sleep in my own bed and take a shower in my own shower which put me in a much better mood for today. I think I was just looking forward to going to The Farmer's Market and picking up some tasty tangelos and blood orange juice. We had fun finding goodies at the market and then spent the afternoon in the park. There were moments of joy through the grumpiness which I am trying to focus on: Another dorm parent was around on Saturday morning and made me a cup of coffee (that actually helped alot). My boss Dave came to do our nightly check-in (we make sure we both know how many kids we have for the night) and saw that I looked tired. I told him I had a really bad headache and he went over to the infirmary to get me some ibprofin (like I couldn't do it myself but still it was really kind). Saturday my sisters brought me cookies and milk and hung out with me for a bit which raised my spirits and Janae came and spent the day with me at work on Sunday. Thinking about the joyful moments makes the weekend seem much less of a drag. Thank You God for helping me find joy despite my grumpiness.

PS: I went up to 6 gauges last Thursday and there are new photos up on my Flickr. I will give you the link for those who are interested, but those of you who don't like them should not look!

1 comment:

hestermom said...

I get grumpy too =( Sometimes we play the "glad game" (from Pollyanna), sometimes we plead for God's help in prayer...and sometimes we go on a walk. It is not fun to be grumpy, and probably not fun for those around us. And yet God is so gracious, he fashions our hearts individually, and knows just what we need! Yeah for coffee, ibuprofen, and friends (sisters) with milk and cookies. I am pretty sure that would have helped me too. =)