Friday (ok, so I am starting backwards to show you my crazy weekend): We took the kids to see Nordhoff's musical at Matilija. They did The Pajama Game and they did a great job, but the content of the play (one character is drunk the whole time and the lead girl took her dress off on stage -- she did have a slip on but still...) was not entirely appropriate for elementary and middle school children. (on a side note, I went up to 8 gauges on Friday and that's what that picture is!)
Saturday: We took the kids to Universal Studios. It was a beautiful and the crowds/lines weren't too bad. I think the longest wait was maybe ten minutes. My mom was on duty too so she and I got to hang out (with three other girls and at times my boss) all day! Check out the pictures!
Sunday: I got to take a couple of kids to the Farmer's Market in town. After that we got some ice cream and played in the park. It was a beautiful day and I really enjoyed it!
Monday: I left for school at 6 and got home at noon. I went over to Vons to pick up stuff to make my dessert for Homegroup. I spent the afternoon making a cake. Then at 3 I went over to babysit a coworker's son. While babysitting I took him out for a walk/run in the arbolota. At 5 I went home to take a shower before heading to homegroup. 6 was homegroup where we played an invigorating game of wiffle ball and later taboo. I got home a little after 10 and went to bed around 10:45
Tuesday: Leave for class at 6 back around 11. Drive to Santa Barbara at 12:30 (Mackenna has an early week and gets out at 1:20 instead of 3) -- back in Ojai maybe around 2:10pm. New Bible study at 8:45 at night (I hope I can stay awake, but I am really excited to go!)
Wednesday: Leave for class at 6 back in Ojai around noon. Go to pick up Mackenna at 12:30 back in Ojai around 2:10. Babysit Sage & Aspen from 2:10- 3. Hopefully Spin class from 4-5. Youth group from 6-9... and maybe sleep?
Thursday: Leave for class at 6 back around 11. Babysit from 3-5 (hopefully another run during that time... Running through the arbolota was nice because not a lot of people drive by and most of it is in the shade!). Youth group from 6-9. Sleep!
Friday: Leave for class at 6 back at noon. Work from 2:30-10 but I am actually on sleepovers so I get to sleep on the couch in the dorm (hurray for me...)...
Saturday: We have an early wake up for the kids because we are taking them to Korea town, China town, and Little Tokyo in LA. It is going to be a long but hopefully fun day!
Sunday: Farmer's Market and maybe park!
So, that's really just the outline of my schedule... I am sure I will fill in the holes here and there. I like being busy though. It keeps me on my toes... plus what else would I be doing? Sitting at home?
Hey hey! =) I see your schedule is full in that beautifully american style. :P How do you pronounce arbolata? I can only hear it in spanish... haha.
check this out though! after immense difficulties I managed to create a google blog (thanks to the presence of my dad's male hormones... I swear this computer ONLY works properly when he's around.) anyway, the new address is
how are you?
Arbolata is pron is pronounced anyway you want... Usually it sounds very "American" but it is sort of spanish/native american. It's actually this part of town with a ton of trees and really nice houses. Maybe that's why it's called arbol-ata... Ok that wasn't really funny...
good grief michaela, how do you do it all?? thought I'd check out how you're doing on your blog, and you had it all laid out, well done! so who are all these kids that you're with all the time- universal studios, etc.?
Hi Megan! These "kids" I refer to so often are the kids that I work with at OVS. I am technically not supposed to talk about them (names, name of the school... etc) to avoid any chance of getting sued to anything but I try and weasel around it... I work there on the weekends and we take the boarding students out on trips and stuff...
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