Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I'm Back!

Well, I'm back! I survived another youth trip and I am so tired! It all started Saturday night around 10pm. All the kids came and spent the night at the church because we left were leaving at 4am on Sunday and we didn't want to have to wait for people. Needless to say I got maybe 1 hour of sleep that night and woke up to drive for some 7 hours to Sierra Summit.

The first couple of hours were tough because everyone in my car was out like a light bulb in June. After breakfast I woke up and was ready for the rest of the trip. I only hit one patch of black ice which scared the crap out of me, but we all made it up there safe and sound. Sunday was pretty warm sitting in the sun, but it got cold as the sun went down. A couple of girls (both named Taylor) went up with Jake David (it was their first time snowboarding). Jake ditched them and they ended up riding back with ski patrol earning them the wonderful nickname of "Ski Patrol."

The rest of the trip went really well. No major injuries; just some bumps and bruises. Driving home was super funny. Jan and his friends Austin and Sean were in my car and they spent most of the time mooning the other cars in our group. They actually made me miss the offramp from the 5 to the the 126. Then they all yelled at me for missing it and I missed the next offramp too. It was a pretty wild night and a pretty wild trip. I have so many more funny things that happened, but I am exhausted from this weekend and I need to get some sleep. But I am back and we are all safe. Thank you for all your prayer!

1 comment:

Ginger said...

My names is Ginger, I am the sister of Amber Smith. I was taking a "link journey" from blog to blog and came across your link from Community. I noticed that you are attending CSUN and are a nanny too. I don't know your situation but I live off Plummer St. Between CSUN and Balboa and am in need of some occasional babysitting for my ten month old son. Please email me thezagnolis@yahoo.com and let me know if you have any interest. I also have a blog http://peterzworldblog.blogspot.com
I enjoy reading your blog. Amber came down for a visit with the girls when Ryan and you were on the snowboard trip. I miss skiing, and am hoping to get up to Mammouth this winter.
Take care. Ginger Zagnoli