As far as everything else goes, I am doing alright. I think am catching a cold so I am loading up on Emergen-C and Zicam to try and knock it out before it gets too bad. This semester's classes are officially over but I still have some finals to finish up. I have my Anatomy lab final tonight, my Physics final Tuesday morning, and my Anatomy lecture final Wednesday morning. My two online class finals are both due next Thursday so I probably should start those this weekend. Speaking of this weekend, it is my last one at work before a 3 week (4 weekend) break!!! Hallelujah!!
As far as next semester goes, I registered for my classes yesterday. Unfortunately I have class Monday-Friday morning. My calculus class is 5 units and every day of the week. My other classes will be on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8am to noon. A bummer of a schedule, but I am super excited about some of the classes I am taking and even more excited to be able to get into some math again (I am a nerd... I know).
Anyway, wish me luck on my finals. Right now I am off to the bank...
It's about time...Awesome!
5 days a week! grueling! hopefully we'll start homegroup back up on mondays : ) or we can take advanced sewing !!! hahahaha i don't think ryan would go for it again! he's ready for sewing to be over : )
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