Saturday, December 01, 2007

Hello, McFly!?

Ok, so Ryan did this on his blog and I was a little scared to try it with my blog, but here you are. Here is my blog readability level:

cash advance

I think this might be a bad thing, but I will be the first to admit my vocabulary skills are somewhat non-existant these days. At least you don't have to think too much when you read my blog (again, that might be a bad thing, so I guess I will try and up the reading level to maybe High School level). Try it out on your blog and see what happens (PS, I plugged in some of your blogs and I must say I roll with some pretty smart people... why you are friends with me I have no idea...)


Anonymous said...

buahaha...I did this, but I am afraid to post it because it will be too much pressure. If my rating goes down it'll be too much for me to take!

Katie said...

Interesting...interesting indeed...

Sarah Belle said...

haha i'm high school...

Annalisa said...

lol! I just tried it, and I sort of think that mine isn't as high as they classified me. The irony about stereotypes~ :) By the way, I love your blog, no matter what level they classify you with, hehe.