Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Worry No More!

Last night I came to the painful realization that I worry way too much! The last two months or so I have not been sleeping well, having terrible nightmares (and I NEVER used to dream), and more recently been making myself sick with worry. Things I worry about:
  1. School; midterms coming up; getting accepted to the Athletic Training program
  2. Not having friends; Ok, I have friends otherwise no one would be reading this blog, but it sucks sometimes to be stuck at school and not know anyone; having to sit at Starbucks for 3 hours alone is not really all that fun.
  3. My car; the Burb is all fun and games until I am spending $80 on gas a week
  4. Moving Out; I am almost 20 years old and I still live at home; yeah it's cheap, but I pay for it in stress
  5. My sisters; as they grow into young women and hope that I did them justice as their big sister.
  6. My Mom; one word - CANCER
  7. and so much more
It's amazing how much we (if not we, at least I) worry about stuff. All throughout Matthew and Luke (and many other places in the Bible) Jesus tells us not to worry about things, but it is so hard to let go of wanting control over our own lives. Like I said earlier, last night I came to the painful (there's nothing like a crying hangover; eyes burning, head pounding... you know) realization that I worry way to much. So here marks my new quest (I guess you can call it a new years resolution) to worry no more.


Katie said...

It's neat how the Lord always meets us right where we are. I think it's great that you've come to this realization and desire to walk more closely with God in this. Remember too that we will continue to fail, but when we do, God's grace abounds even more.

ATSmith said...

Wish I could say that I never worried about anything, but that is just not true. Truth is, I used to worry a lot, a lot, a lot! Now some words from an old lady ... I think we get better at coping with our fears/worry, etc. as we mature and get older. And now, well, I am just too plain tired to worry! J/K Now I worry whether my kids are safe ...etc. Sorry I didn't see you on Thursday. Jamie came into town with her baby, so I went to visit. Will see you on Sunday and we can catch up at our usual table : )