Wow! Two posts in one day? This has been one of the MOST productive days I have had in awhile! Despite not going to class this morning (yes I know I am a slacker... but listen to what I did the rest of the day). So after waking up around 7 and working on some homework, I headed over to the coffee shop to hang out with Cory. I was surprised to see Danielle and Christine there with their youngsters. It was nice to see them especially since I have been working
weekends and am not able to go to Community. After spending a couple hours at the coffee shop with Cory, I headed home to try and get some stuff done. As soon as I got home I turned on some music and started washing my car (for the first time in a couple of months... oops!). After washing my car I spent about 2 hours cleaning my room (again, I haven't really done ANY cleaning in about two months... it was not so good...). After a deep clean of my room, I hopped on our stationary bike for a nice ride and even did a core workout (I was on it today). In between all of this I did about 4 loads of laundry (my clothes and my sheets...). Once my Dad got home he even changed the oil in my car (so nice...).
Around 4 hour later I took Janae to soccer practice and decided to head over to see how Mason was doing (remember, he had
surgery yesterday!). Mason was doing so well it actually kinda brought me to tears (yes I am a nerd... whatever...). Here is a picture of Mason's BEAUTIFUL blue eyes one day after surgery. Apparently they looked really REALLY bad yesterday.

Not only were Mason's eyes healing very well (we have to watch him like a hawk because he is not allowed to rub his eyes because of the stitches), he has also grown so much over the 10 days that I haven't seen him. He is so alert and interactive now. His mom also said (after me only being there for 15 mins) that short time I was there was the happiest he had been in the last few days (talk about a tear jerker... that really made me cry...).

Not only is Mason so much more interactive, he is also officially crawling!!! He has been scooting (or more army crawling) for a few weeks now, but now he is up with his knees under him and his arms fully extended. It is so amazing to see all of the therapy and exercises (and those
hot spandex pants) come full circle.

He is such a handsome boy and I am so happy that I got to be a part of his life and his development. Sam is still in the process of finding a full time nanny (the lady she had was going to work out until she got a job offer teaching or something like that). But I have a feeling I will be seeing less and less of Mason and Caden.

Speaking of Caden... Holy Crap!!! He has grown so much in the 10 days since I have seen him (obviously taking after his brother). Caden will be 2 months old on the 24th and he has already outgrown his 3 month clothing. Tonight, after I put Mason to bed (I love putting him to sleep and I seem to be the only one who can cause he hasn't taken a nap in about 10 days) I got to give Caden a bottle (man all that kid does is EAT!!!). After the bottle and a little burping action, he too fell asleep.

I couldn't resist taking a picture of this beautiful baby boy while he was still asleep (and not screaming... he still is kinda colicy and has resorted to SCREAMING instead of crying... it's really sad). But that is the update on my boys (whom I am now starting to accept that they are not my boys). Thank you for all of your prayers. Please continue to pray for Mason's eyes to heal. Pray for Caden to get over his Colic. Pray that Sam can find someone (she is interviewing someone this Friday I believe) who can meet her and the boys' needs as best as possible.
You are such an amazing person Michaela ... so much love for those boys. Sam was/is so lucky to have you - and the boys too.
So, WHAT did you drink at the Coffee Connection that morning?! I'd be happy just to accomplish one of the things you did that day. Wow, to have your energy!!!
Mason looks great!
Mason looks incredible! He's a totally different baby! And you can just tell by looking at him that he is so mcuh more alert than he has been. I love you!
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