Well, it's really not THAT hard. It's something I could potentially do on a more regular basis with lots of practice. Last night we learned how to hem jeans (which is awesome because I am short and always have to hem my jeans and would rather not pay $15 for someone else to hem my jeans). We also started on our tote bags. To help document our (Amber and my) journey
The first picture (top) is of Amber (obviously) driving us down to VC (Amber, if you ever want me to drive I am more than happy to... let me know). The second is of my beloved sewing machine (it's not mine, it's VC's but I get to use it... We also learned how to thread the machine... for the second time this semester). Like I said before, we learned how to hem jeans last night. One thing Ms. Dress (yeah... that's our instructor's name... um... she's a little COOKY!!!) said about heming jeans was to be very careful because you could break your needle. As you can probably tell, Amber didn't really believe her and broke her first needle... It was really funny.
After a few poses by Amber (notice the pink army print... yeah that is for Amber's bag... SOOOO GOOD!!!) we went home for the night. I have that despite passive aggressive teacher and the super late night (not really that late, it's just late when I have other things to do after the class is over) I have really enjoyed spending this quality time with such a good friend. It's been
I would ditch every class if it weren't for my awesome sewing partner! So much fun ... Ryan was so proud of my almost-tote : ) Thanks for the ode ... you are awesome and now I feel very appreciated!
p.s. I know you are only offering to drive because of my poor driving skills last night and because you are a little ocd : )
I loved your ode! I am glad you are here in Ojai. If you ever want to do something, let me know (as long as it involves coffee and DOES NOT involve sewing!)
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