Merry Christmas everyone. I hope you all had a wonderful day today and yesterday. Christmas was in a word... interesting... for me. First of all we had Christmas eve dinner at our house last night and we had been prepping all week. My mom isn't the best at communicating what she needs done when she is focused on something else so this whole week has been super stressful with trying to help her, finishing up finals, and trying to manage with only three cars (Sarah's car needed a new transmission and it was in the shop all week). But Christmas eve dinner ended up just fine. Lots of great food and family drama that I really can't go into detail about on here because I don't feel like writing a novel, but feel free to ask me about it sometime. My grandma decided to give me the "what were you thinking grandma" gift this year. She gave me a flashlight. Now this wasn't even a cute flashlight or like an awesome mag-light; Oh no. This was an ever-ready, big, fat, ugly flashlight that you can buy at Ace for about $10 (yes I used to work at Ace Hardware).
Christmas eve I also sang with Amber and Ryan at the Christmas eve service. It was fun even though I am fighting off a small cold that Dalton gave me. I also told the children's story which was kinda funny cause it was so short. I was seriously up there for like 2 minutes. It was awesome!
Today was not as wonderful and merry as I would have liked. I woke up to my cell phone ringing at a around 7:30. It was a blocked number so I knew it was my house (I sleep in the garage), but whenever I would go to answer it they hung up. So I went into the house and poured myself a huge cup of coffee. Apparently Sarah was woken up a little bit more rough then myself and she was REALLY upset. So upset in fact, my mom opted out of opening presents right away to go for a run so everyone would cool off. So while my mom went out on her run, my dad went for a walk, Sarah went back to bed, and Janae and I stayed in the living room and watched Happy Gilmore. Finally at around 9:00 everyone was calm enough to enjoy giving and receiving. I got a hat, the rest I have to return.
After presents we made breakfast and made plans for the rest of the day. We decided to go to the beach since we are Southern Californians and well... we can. So we headed off for Bates with the family and Toby. It was Toby's first beach trip and he loved it. He was terrified of the waves, but loved the water and the sand and all the other dogs. It was cute. I was able to catch some pictures in between it all. Later we made Tamales (Christmas presents for everyone basically). Making the tamales was great fun but later my mom's friend came over and that kinda sent everyone into a tail-spine again which I can't go into detail about but ask me about it and I will be more then happy to share. But all in all Christmas was fine. I hope everyone else had a better time. Again Merry Christmas to all!
1 comment:
Hey, what's your cell #? Your # is in my cell in Missouri...call me at my parent's house!
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