Wow, what a week. If you don't know what I am talking about, read my last post and it might give you an idea. But for now, another week and another set of prayer requests. So here we go:
- This Semester is finally over; Hurray!!! But now it's time for finals. Dang it! So please pray for wisdom and patience during this week.
- This morning I woke up to a dead car. It's fine now after a full day of charging, but it really shows me how I need to start looking for a new car. Please pray that after my finals I will be able to focus on finding a car that is right for me.
- Please pray that I will have patience as I look for a new job. It is one of my least favorite things in the world to look for jobs and I kinda have to get on the ball after finals.
- Today in Community we talked about what or favorite part of the holidays was and it really made me think. I really don't like the Holidays. Everyone gets all stressed out (including me) and there are so many people out shopping and stuff. The only thing I like to do is give presents to people. Unfortunately this sometime comes off as me being a Scrooge. Please pray that I will be able to get into the holiday season and try and enjoy it despite all the crappy things that have been going on.
I think that is all. My main focus right now is my finals. Once I get past those, I can start to get down to everything else.
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