Monday, October 29, 2007

Future Plans...

Isn't it funny how we make all of these plans for the future... vacations, jobs, whatever... and isn't it funny how God is so good to remind us that He is God (one of my favorite quotes comes from Diary of a Mad Black Woman: "God has a remarkable way of showing us who's God") and can change our plans whenever He wants? Kinda random because none of my plans have been changed for a little while now (nothing since my trip to Australia was canceled and my mom got cancer). Since then I have really been trying to not plan ahead as much, but I am finding that it is next to impossible to not plan ahead (for me anyway... I don't know about anyone else?). So I have decided to stop preventing myself from planning for the future, but instead focusing on the present and giving whatever I have planned to God and seeing what happens from there. So here's what I have for God these days:

  • 2 more weekends at work until a two weekend vacation. I am planning, God willing, to attend Community for the first time in a LONG time.
  • Seeing that I am paid hourly and I won't be working for two weekends, I will be out of luck a little. Thankfully, I am supposed to (again God willing) babysit Mason and Caden for a long weekend (hopefully earning some much needed cash!!)
  • Still in the process of changing majors (oops I don't know if I mentioned this before... well, after this summer I sort of decided I didn't want to major in Kinesiology anymore... I am in the process of changing to get my BA in Math). So I am praying that I can tie up all of the loose ends to this change.
  • I am also hoping to take a vacation this February during the kid's winter break. I've been talking to my friend Delice a lot lately and I am hoping to take a trip out to Kandern, Germany to visit her and some of the GEM-Ks at BFA. It's something I am still praying about, but we shall see what God has in store.
Anyway, This is sort of a random entry. I just thought I would write down (ok fine, type) some of the things I am thinking and praying about and see what God does with them over the next few months... We shall see. For now, I am off to sewing class! Have a nice week!


Sarah Belle said...

i love you...i wrote a new blog for you...

Christine H. said...

Wow! A lot to ponder...good thing it's all in God's hands! Can't wait to see you at Community!