Hello all! Thank you for all of your prayers this week. Just a little update. Dalton's surgery went very well, but there is still a lot of physical therapy and stuff to go. Sarah had a very safe trip out to Tennessee, even though she hated it. My tests went very well. I got an "A" on my Sign Language test and an "A" on my last Anatomy quiz. So all in all, it was a very successful week. But another week and another set of prayer requests. So here they go:
- Although Dalton's surgery went very well, He has been kinda sick since. Please pray that he will get better soon and that his body will heal quickly. Also pray that if he is in pain when I am watching him, I will have wisdom and patience to calm and soothe him.
- Please continue to pray that Sarah will have wisdom in choosing what colleges she wants to apply to but more importantly, what college she wants to go to. She kinda got turned off from the whole college idea this weekend after going to Sewanee.
- Please pray for me this week as I have two large EXAMS (I am writing exams now because someone (Katie) got confused when I wrote tests last week). I haven't done too hot on the other exams in these classes and I really need to get it in gear if I am going to stand a chance of passing these classes.
- Please pray for my car. Yeah, It's cool saying that I drive a BMW, but to tell you the truth it's a hunk of junk! Everything seems to be going wrong with this car. First the air conditioner is broken; the passenger window gets stuck when you are trying to roll it up; The odometer doesn't show on the dash; the gas gage will get stuck saying that I am out of gas when I know I have a full tank; the emergency flashers button is broken; the drivers side door won't lock when I lock the car; the other day every window was stuck up and I felt like I was suffocating... just to list a few. Unfortunately it is VERY expensive to fix a BMW and I don't have money to fix it or get a new car. Please pray that it will hold together for me as long as possible.
That's about all that I can think of at the present moment. Again thank you all for your continued prays. God Bless!
Bummer about the beamer! I have heard they are very expensive to fix ... no fun. See ya tomorrow.
I can't imagine anyone not loving Sewanee. It is one of the most magical and wonderful places on earth.
Hey, it's not my fault I was confused by your incredibly CONFUSING usage of the word "tests." What was I supposed to think other than the possibility of you being diagnosed with some disease or virus!?! Anyway...thanks for changing the vocabulary to exam! =)
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